The 11-story, 90,000 s.f. office condominium building, designed by Gensler Architecture Worldwide, offers a quick escape from DC - just a block away from Union Station. The idea of office condos - sold as shells - will catch the ears of residential developers accustomed to spending a third of their time on selection and installation of finishes, nevermind post-settlement warranty issues. Or calls from cranky homeowners. Or replacing barely-knicked wood floors. Or arguing over color selections made two years before. Oh yeah, anyhow, Scott says the units are selling between $550 to $650 per s.f., which compares favorably to the normal range of new condos. The 111 K St building is the only new office condo project in D.C. at present.
Currently five of the eleven floors have sold, tenants include the Sierra Club, the YWCA, and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, non-profits all. Scott suggests one of the reasons for non-profit interest is the availability of bond-financing for these tax exempt organizations at a time when regular mortgages are difficult to obtain.
The builder will not attempt LEED certification. Though Scott was quick to point out that their Gensler architects are LEED accredited and have included many "notable green elements" including a green roof, bicycle storage and shower facility (for bike commuters, so yes, that gives you green points) and landscaping that does not require watering.