With the excitement surrounding Donatelli Development’s new
Park Place project on top of the Georgia Avenue/Petworth metro station and the soon-to-begin-sales
Jefferson Condos at 5401 9th Street, more developers are finally starting on their long-planned buildings for this hot neighborhood. The latest is
Jair Lynch, which officially announced this week that it will build a $30 million residential project at
3910 Georgia Avenue, between Randolph and Shepherd Streets. (Jair Lynch received the development rights for this plot last May from the National Capital Revitalization Corporation.)
Georgia Commons, as the project is called for now, will have 110 mixed-income apartments, as well as 19,500 sf of "neighborhood-serving" ground floor retail, including a 14,500-sf Results Gym. Design will be by Frank Schlesinger Assoc. and EDG. Delivery is expected in 2008.
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