Phase Two will be identical to Velocity with another 200 condominium units. Plans for Phase Three have not been finalized, however candidates for the third building include a hotel with condos, an office building, and more retail space.
Speaking of one of many new developments in the area, Michelle Pilon, project coordinator at Cohen, said the project is an important part of the revitalization of Southeast. “The revitalization of Southeast is going to bring such vitality, urban art, and retail to the area – it will put DC into the 21st century. It will not just be this federal government city, it will have a vibe.” Construction is slated to begin on June 1st with completion scheduled for the end of 2009.
This area could turn out to be great, or a glut of condos and bad design. Nobody has a clue until things start opening all at the same time ... yikes!
I dunno about that - all the plans are out there, it just remains for us to be seen. Certainly people in DC gov have seen the plans and approved the lot of them, hopefully there is some style there. At the very least, DC seems better about requiring retail, sidewalks and services in every neighborhood, which will automatically make it better than old Southwest, Crystal City or Rosslyn; though those areas are going to get admittedly better soon.
oh puh-leeze.... "it will have a vibe"???!??
everything has a "vibe". it can be positive, it can be negative, it can be neutral. but clap-trap like that woman spewed just sounds like it was taken from a paint-by-number real estate broker handbook.
if we're going to have a great city (ah, reality check....we already have a damn good city, don't sell dc short!), maybe we could at least get some better descriptions of the new construction that is making it great.
ok, i'm done ranting now.
I believe Ms. Philon meant that the redevelopment of Southeast will encourage people to see DC as less of a government city and more of a artistic and cultural place. Yes we know and love the various neighborhoods, but not everyone knows about them.
Certainly everything has a vibe. We let developers comment on their work - this was her take, perhaps a different word could have been used.
I think that Ms. Pilon had a positive vision for the future and the people who have left comments are stuck in a "rant" of negativity.
imgoph - I normally agree with you, but you have to give the marketers their due. And I could point to a few neighborhoods that have no vibe, soul, or character. Mostly outside the beltway, but still, and you have to accede that the ballpark is going from a good place to find a dumped body to a potentially great neighborhood; marketers need to address that to the skeptical buyers that lack vision. Remember that - thanks to the constant rantings of the Post - we in this industry constantly deal with buyers that think it will never come together or that the market will tank.
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