The Office of Planning - more bureaucratically known as (breathe in) the
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (ODMPED) - has issued a
Solicitation of Offers for development of two sites east of the Anacostia, in northeast, as part of its New Communities Initiative. The two District-owned sites, one a boarded up three-story apartment building located at 4427 Hayes Street (rendering pictured); the other consisting of seven vacant lots, totaling 17,500 s.f. of land on the 4800 block of Nannie Helen Borroughs Drive, are intended to become mixed-income residences, with a third of the housing aimed at families falling below 30% AMI. Hayes Street, which sits within walking distance of the Minnesota Ave. Metro station, has sat vacant for 12 years and had been on the drawing board of now defunct NCRC, which had intended to turn the project into 28 one and two-bedroom condos for mixed-income residents. Bids on both properties are due January 9th.
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