Under the new financing agreement, the District's contribution will support bond issuance to cover a portion of initial construction costs and the developer will repay the bonds with part of the new tax revenue generated by the project. If the DC council passes the pending financing package at their July 15th meeting, construction will begin in a year. "This is what we need, it is what we deserve, it is long overdue, but now on its way," Mayor Adrian Fenty told a cheering crowd of Shaw residents at this afternoon's press conference.
"This is a big day for us, I would like to see the O Street Market get the same kind of attention and expediency that we saw at Eastern Market, so it's exciting. It is a project that has something for everyone, community benefits - affordable housing, senior housing, parking - it really has the support of the entire community. It was just frustrating to see it go through so many hurdles to get to where it is now," Cary Silverman, DC Council, Ward 2 Candidate told DCMud.

Roadside originally slated the market for renovations to accommodate new retail space, but heavy snow brought the roof down both on their plans and the building itself in February of 2003. Since then Roadside formulated a $250 million revised plan to not only bring the historic market back to its original splendor but to fill four acres of land between 9th, 7th, P and O Streets, NW with residential and commercial space.
In August 2007, the Historic Preservation Review Board approved revitalization of the site and the Mayor's agent for historic preservation ok'd partial demolition because of the development's special merit, leaving the Zoning Commission as the only entity standing between Shaw residents and their commerce. But a lack of agreement between Zoning and the developers led to three months of hearings; an October 15th meeting ended with Zoning's complaints about the 110-ft. building height and they sent the project back to the design phase again on November 19th. The Zoning Commission approved the project for "set down" at the December 10th meeting, and gave it final approval on May 12th.
Developers eliminated the residential space planned for the top two floors and deleted 100 parking spaces and 20 affordable units from the scheme to reduce construction costs and compensate for the loss of potential income.
In addition to a brand new grocery store, other project benefits include $255,000 worth of charitable contributions to Shaw organizations, a shuttle to operating Giant stores during construction, 400 construction jobs, 400 permanent jobs, and the reconnection of 8th street to increase pedestrian activity in the area.
Washington DC commercial property news
All I have to say is we can be damn sure that the shuttle to operating Giant stores during construction damn sure wont happen. Everything else seems likely to happen
Shuttle...whatever. Its about time that someone makes an investment in this neighborhood. This developer has been trying to do this for a long time, but local NIMBY's have fought density - the one thing that will save Shaw. Yes, I know some think it doesn't need saving, but the neighborhood is still rough, lacks retail, is isolated by the street pattern, and is not that inviting. If you doubt it, just walk around the convention center once at night.
Shame, because it has some of the best architecture around, and plenty of space for new buildings. We should be thanking Roadside for making this happen, it will dramatically improve the area. I live in a new condo not far from there, and many of us have been expecting (hoping for) this for a long time.
This is going to be a great addition to the neighborhood. The question how high the taxes will go in the immediate neighborhood because of the TIF and $35 million is a lot for the city to lend against future increases in local property taxes.
which 'shaw organizations' will be the beneficiaries of the quarter-million dollars worth of donations? anyone want to bet the ECCA is the prime beneficiary?
If memory serves, the ECCA's portion of the $265K public amenities - aka 'kickbacks and hush money' - from Roadside was around $10K. This is intended to setup 4 scholarships at UDC for 'certified addiction programs.'
Of course there will be no oversight or follow up on how these funds are administered by Jack Evan's office or any other. We'll never get an accounting for these funds, or how they are spent and any such details will remain behind the closed doors of the ECCA - a not actually public organization. They just pretend to be.
It's sad that there is such a sense of entitlement some feel to welfare subsidies in DC. Nothing happens development-wise without paying off certain spokes on the squeeky wheel.
it's too bad the zoning commission forced the developer to eliminate the top floors of residential space from the project, along with other deletions. DC needs some modern architecture, and the 110 ft tower would have been a great addition to the rather dowdy residential architecture in this city.
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