“We acquired the lot back in the mid-90s from the DC government under the Homestead Program. The exchange was that we got the property and would develop it affordably,” said Karen Williams, Project Manager at Manna, Inc. “We have to get approved by [the Office of Housing and Community Development] because it is a Homestead project. That program no longer exists…but is now administered by the Property Acquisition and Disposition Division.”
The three-story project’s units will start at 551 square feet for a one bedroom with the largest, two-bedroom units measuring in at 1025 square feet. All will be available to area residents making less than 60% AMI, and, though there’s no word on what types of amenities are planned for the site, the project will be built according Enterprise Community Partners’ “Green Communities Criteria” – a LEED “aligned” program specifically aimed at certifying eco-friendly, affordable housing. Given the project’s ties the recent flurry of similarly minded DC developments, Cardozo Court looks to be on the fast track to breaking ground by summer’s end.
“We’re two steps away from getting our building permit,” said Williams. “Right now it’s in [the Washington Area Sewer Authority] and then it’ll go to structural, but, with permitting, you can hardly guess at [a solid date]. Ideally, we would start later this summer or in the early fall.”
Prices at Cardozo Court will start at $175,000 and, once completed, the development will join two other two other District-sponsored, brand-new, affordable residential developments: Somerset Development’s Hubbard Place redevelopment at 3500 14th Street, NW and Jubilee Inc.’s refurbished Ontario Court apartments at 2525 Ontario Road, NW in Adams Morgan.
Washington DC real estate development news
That's exactly the wrong place for more subsidized housing. Columbia Heights already has too much to begin with concentrated in that area.
i wouldn't call columbia heights crowded...i think "dense" is better, but even that is a matter of opinion. sure isn't dense or crowded compared to a lot of other places.
A location that close to Metro stations and bus lines might warrant taller a building.
So no sooner do they turn Clifton Terrace from a thug-filled hellhole into a decent mixed-income development, they want to plant a new housing project right across the street? These guys have learned NOTHING from the 1980s.
This project will be a great use of a vacant property on a residential street. Housing affordable for households with incomes of $60,000 (a 4-person household at approximately 60% AMI) will not be a blight on Columbia Heights. This project will provide housing for working people who will benefit from living close to public transportation. The site, across an alley from Duron Paint, does not accommodate more than a 4 story building.
Yes, Monkey: Sixty-grand is thug-wages.
Can't have those no-good nurses and teachers in our midst, now can we.
Thugs don't make $60k, but the mommas they have to live with sure do.
Enjoy your LEED-aligned crack den, ladies.
Whenever LEED releases standards for crackdens, bordellos and Arby's, make sure you get in on the public comments.
You people who know absolutely nothing of affordable housing make sure ignorant remarks because you are all pathethic human beings. This place will be transformed from a vacant lot into homes for hard-working families to live. These people aren't drug-dealers or drug-users. They maybe weren't as fortunate as you all but given the vicious commentary most of you are making, they are leaps and bounds better humans than any of you. Enjoy your pampered lives, comment frivously from afar, and let these people have a chance...
With the new tax credits for geothermal heat and Air conditioning from the federal government of 30% it is benificial now to do geothermal along with solar and really go green. Lets make no doubt that this is a great idea. I would think that afordable housing could become more affordable if they used commercial investors to pay for the installation and take the credits and give the reduced costs to the occupiers. After 15 years it is all owned by the building owners. This is a great way to get it done.
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