Bromptons at Cherrydale, a 22-unit, mixed-use townhouse condo project at
3800 Lee Highway, is making a comeback - no small feat for a project that was built in 2005, heavily litigated, nearly taken down, then built again. The
Ed Peete Company began construction in 2005, soon finishing the townhouse portion of the site, but Arlington County found multiple building code violations in the multi-family portion and ordered the building torn down. Despite that, the building sat abandoned, until now.

Arlington County issued a stop work order to the developer back in 2006 - and stop it did - and the unfinished hulk sat forsaken, forcing the County to issue a demolition order in November of 2007. Peete appealed the order, received an extension, but still missed the extended demolition deadline, causing the County to file suit to enforce the order - or confiscate and sell the property. But in May of 2009, Peete reached
an agreement with Arlington to post a $250,000 escrow account with the County and remediate, and in December of 2009 began replacing balconies and windows to bring the structure back into building code compliance. And talk about deadlines - the agreement stipulated that the County had to the right to demolish the whole building if strict construction deadlines were not met.

According to
Steve MacIsaac,
Arlington County Attorney, the original construction problems were "innumerable." "There were serious structural problems with the building. The building facade created so much stress on the front it could have come down." MacIsaac says that the frame has been structurally reinforced, with new brickwork on the facade, and that county building inspectors are working

with the Ed Peete Company - now officially
LLC - to ensure a code-friendly building. "The building will be safe," MacIsaac reassures us.
It all started so well, with the building selling out in 2004, a great year to be in condo sales. At least the Cherrydale saga is expected to end later this year when the building completes. The wood-framed condominium will offer 22 units on floors 2 through 4, with 4 commercial spaces on the ground floor, located next door to the fire station. At a minimum, there will be one less eyesore on the morning drive, and commuters won't have to worry about real estate crashing down on them. Well, at least not literally.
Arlington VA real estate development news
Wow. Given how well documented all of this is - who would ever buy/live here?
Location, location .......
Better check out those balconies before moving forward - they were hanging out there while a lot of the drama was going on. Didn't look like the wood on them was covered in Tyvek when I went by a few months ago...
You couldn't pay me enough to live here. This has sat there rotting for 5-6 years, exposed to the elements. I can't believe it is not being demolished. Caveat Emptor!
This is big progress for Arlington though...this was a stain on the area for too long.
Hopefully it turns out well and brings more residents to Arlington.
I live up the hill from this thing, and am so glad it's coming along, but a I agree with other commenters -- I would never live there -- the history is jinxed!
It would make a nice homeless shelter when its done.
it should have been torn down - can't believe with all the problems the county allowed it to be finished. Good luck selling that one!
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