Over the course of the summer neighbors will come to know the plans for a largely vacant site at 4800 Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave NE, as the planned development goes before the District Council and
Zoning Commission for review of the proposed project. In late May, the Commission "set down" the planned unit development (PUD) for public review, and on
June 16th, the District Council invites neighbors and concerned community members to voice support or opposition for the site. If all goes swimmingly, a new five-story, 70-unit building of entirely affordable housing will be the future of the site, bordered to the north by Hayes Street, NE.

The development team under the name
Northern Real Estate Urban Ventures, LLC seeks to bring 92,000 s.f. of mixed-use space to the Northeast lot. Neighboring structures include a church, single family homes and scattered retail. The new development will include 8,100 s.f. of commercial space on the ground floor and 40 surface parking spaces. The 70 units of housing include 23 public housing replacement units.
Public benefits are still being negotiated and currently include the standard promise of affordable units, green building practices and a First Source agreement. At the Zoning Commission hearing, several commissioners expressed concern over the "cartoonish" design and made it clear they would expect greater detail to be provided prior to the public hearing this summer. More details will become available after the upcoming reviews this summer.
Washington, DC real estate development news
surface parking??!?
c'mon, developers. bury it. don't give deanwood a shittier level of development just because...
100% subsidized = fail
Deanwood has enough affordable and low-income housing. The neighborhood will not progress unless it seeks to attract socio-economically a more diverse and wider range population
Deanwood realy doesnt have enough housing anywhere half of the homes are boarded up or getting remolded but where they are putting the new homes is not the Deanwood area or community please get it right it's on the minnesota side
punctuation is your friend.
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