Virginia-based MTFA Architecture is the project architect, and seem to be busy with several church-residential combo projects, as another of their client's in Arlington (The Views) recently emerged in tact after a similar drama. The Church project will occupy two-acres, currently inhabited by a church building and attached community center, several single-family homes and a surface parking lot, all of which will be razed. Parking needs will be satisfied by two levels of below-grade lots. The complex will cover a college-size indoor athletic field for community use, public green spaces, affordable residences serving the elderly, transitional housing for the homeless, and a range of other social-work programming.

But Church representative Barry Lemley said there is still about a year before construction can be expected, as preliminary site planning and securing building permits should take a significant amount of time. Having originally partnered with Bozzuto in 2006, and then left the agreement to tackle planning and approval process on their own, the Church will once again look for private development partner to see the plans through. Lemley says they remain undecided on whether to release a RFP immediately, or sit on the approvals until the market further stabilizes. "For an urban infill project like this, in this slow economy, some of the bigger firms that passed on it originally, may have an interest now," Lemley said. And even though construction might be further down the line, and delivery probably won't happen for "two to three years," Lemley and his church are relieved to have the support of County Council. "We always thought we had a unique project here," he explained, "and while some people thought that it was too much, others thought that it was just what the community needs."
Bethesda, MD Real Estate Development News
As someone commented back in March, WHERE is this project located?! I work in Bethesda and cannot figure out from the aerial photograph where this is.
It's really frustrating to read a news article and not get the basic questions (who, what, why, where, when) answered in the first paragraph or two. Writers, you are performing a public service, not constructing the Great American Novel.
thanks for the editorial advice anon, in all of our articles the orange dc/md/va map in the top left of every article beginning links directly to a google map of discussed property
Thanks for the update. Could you ad "Bethesda" to the labels?
The Washington Smart Growth Alliance recognized this project as a smart growth proposal in its original configuration in 2008(our press release at shows the originally proposed elevation); the Alliance reconfirmed the recognition after reviewing the revised site plan.
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