This Capitol Hill rowhouse looks like your standard issue rowhouse from the outside, and then you walk in and you're all like “whoa.” I felt really bad about judging this book by its cover, but then I remembered that the other nine times out of every ten it's a totally accurate, legitimate life strategy, and then I felt better.
Architecturally redesigned in 2007, this home really took a quantum leap forward aesthetically. The main addition was the conversion of the living room into a huge, amphitheater-like space that goes up two full levels. With plenty of windows letting in light, this is a totally unique and fantastic space, especially for a rowhouse. The renovation also added a very nice roof terrace – you can see halfway across the city from up there, or so it seems – and a small balcony. Basically they put in everything you always wished rowhouses had – larger exterior spaces, larger interior spaces - but almost never do. Add in a fireman's pole and a “Star Trek: the Next Generation” pinball machine and this would be the perfect house.

Aside from all that, the house boasts fine hardwood floors, exposed brick, recessed lighting, and large, beautiful bedrooms. Located on a serene Capitol Hill block that was so outrageously picturesque on the day I visited, with loads of mature trees in front of the pristine houses, that it was downright ridiculous. I was about to point and laugh contemptuously at this little panorama but there was an attractive woman right there, walking her dog, so instead I just sucked in my cheeks and squinted off into the distance. I'm pretty sure she was impressed.
4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths

I went to an open house for this property. It seems impressive until you start really looking at it and realizing the spaces were poorly designed and aren't very large or functional. Also, they way over built for the neighborhood (way, way into Hill East) and as a result the house is overpriced for the location. They've already brought it down just to be at 799k, which is still too high to pay. Especially since, while they added a third floor and a roof deck, the basement remains hideously unfinished.
$800,000 to live in the ghetto? People in D.C. are kuh-razy.
And then there's this:
Violent crime in D.C. surges in 2012
"The biggest increase was in the 1st District, which includes Capitol Hill, where violent crime jumped by 69 percent, with 110 incidents reported compared with 65 at this point last year."
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