10914 Georgia Avenue is slated for a mid 2012 groundbreaking for a five-story, 221 unit multi-family residential building. The site, next to the Wheaton Metro station, is part of an 8-acre area that has been targeted by Montgomery County as part of a mixed-use revitalization of downtown. Revitalization will create 1,300 residential units and 600,000 square feet of retail between a Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA ) site at Georgia Avenue and Viers Mill Road, County Parking Lot 13 across Reedie Drive, as well as the Washington Property Company purchase, among others. B.F. Saul has been chosen as the developer for the bulk of the project. "They're in the process of concept plans with WMATA," said Pete McGinnity, Business Development Manager in the Montgomery County Redevelopment Program. "This is a multi-phase plan that will roll out over the next several years."
Currently, the Washington Property Company site is home to the First Baptist Church of Wheaton, which has plans to move to a bigger lot at 3110 Emory Church Road in Olney, Maryland, after building a new church.

"We're still assembling parcels and working on things," said Daryl South, Vice President of Development for WPC. Though the developer is not ready to disclose formal plans for the space, they say plans will come this fall.
The developer recently broke ground in the formerly shunned Ripley District of Silver Spring, with plans to build a sixteen-story, 306,000 s.f. building with 286 rental units at 1150 Ripley Street, the first major construction project in the neighborhood in twenty years.
Bethesda, Maryland real estate development news
Actually, the Ripley District experienced major construction when the new fire house was built next to the old Silver Spring train station.
I wish you would comment on the disgusting actions by the city in forcing long-time residents to give up their property to Wal-Mart. It's awful, and this shopping center should not be celebrated for destroying a community. The fact that area residents are poor doesn't mean that they have no rights or interests in their neighborhood, and the city should be ashamed of itself.
Anon, I think you're posting in the wrong thread. Despite that, the city is not displacing any long-time residents. The properties in question are not owned by anyone who lives in the neighborhood and are solely commercial. No residential. The city is using eminent domain to redevelop a neighborhood's commercial heart for the greater good. Get your facts straight.
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