Development will build out one of the last vacant parcels of Rhode Island Avenue west of Logan Circle, filling it with an 8-story apartment building on a site backing up to Whole Foods.
Abdo bought the land in 2001, along with the early 20th century buildings on either side of the lot, and has had plans since to build a

multi-family residence on the site. The Logan Circle based developer renovated the flanking apartment buildings in the '90's, creating the Zenith and Willison condominiums. A pair of late 19th century Romanesque townhouses on the site were razed in 2007.
Design of the building will mirror the adjacent buildings, designed by
William Harris in 1929 and 1930. The new addition will add "a classical tripartite organization, with a two-story stone base, a five-story midsection clad in brick, and a brick attic story with a cornice." Abdo Development is seeking a zoning variance for reduced parking, and will share the existing driveway to a planned underground garage.

The Historic Preservation Office has recommended approval of the project, HPRB and BZA must still review the plans. In a staff report, the HPRB noted that "the stretch of Rhode Island Avenue from Logan Circle to Scott Circle is a particularly fine example of a grand residential boulevard from the early decades of the 20th century. With a few exceptions, these blocks are characterized by large distinguished residences and dignified apartment buildings...[t]he proposed project continues in that tradition, wisely eschewing the temporary vogue of a scale-less all-glass façade for a dignified and relatively quiet classically-inspired building that will relate to and enhance its context."
Washington D.C. real estate development news
Shame that rowhouse was taken down, darn few examples of 19th century architecture in this city. The owners should have been required to preserve that facade, at least.
It ws classic demolition by neglect. Abdo took off the roof, stating it was unsafe, thereby allowing to have the elements ravage the remaining structure beyond repair. Abdo = fail
"With a few exceptions..." Meaning over half of the south side of that block? The Helix, 1980s townhouses & 1970s apartment building across the street?
The 1970s and 80s are in the 20th century and we live in the 21st but your point a good one. Many residences in Logan are 19th century and there was. Nothing special about these. However, when ABDO tore down the houses, it was witH the understanding he would catalog and store them offsite and use them in a the new biuilding. Instead he left them on the lot under tarps in a heap and the requirement was forgotten. A silly requirement anyway
Too bad, it appears that it is going to be yet another missed opportunity for interesting modern architecture. copying older buildings never works.
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