City life can be cool, but it can also become really tedious. The traffic, the car alarms at 5am, packing onto the metro like cattle, crackheads lighting up directly under your bedroom window (can you get a contact crack high?). I once got so sick of it all that I took a couple months off and retreated to my parents' country house, but that was just as bad, in totally different way. The nearest bar was a 25 minute drive away, the well water tasted like DDT, and the television seemed to only receive broadcasts from thirty years ago. I was so bored that I think time actually stopped, and not in a good way.

Is there no happy medium? Well yeah, but it's going to cost you. First time on the market for this place, and it's easy to see why. It's a country house in the middle of the city, a palatial Forties-style house on a double lot in the Palisades, completely surrounded by a dense ring of greenery. Total privacy. Howard Hughes himself would approve of this place
There's also an in-ground pool (for skinny dipping) and a huge outdoor patio area. Inside, the house is roomy, with lots of windows (loved the sunroom), and quaint woodwork and tiling. It's in the Palisades, so you can zip over to Georgetown in just a few minutes. And then, after you get elbowed off the sidewalk by Jersey Shore-types in popped collars talking on their iPhones and a stampede of office girls going for free cupcakes, you can zip right back to your country house and pretend none of it ever happened. Those of us without urban country houses will have to continue to resort to heavy drinking.
4863 Potomac Ave. NW
5 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths

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