Imagine my surprise when I showed up to tour a house and realized that I was walking towards a mansion. I mean, I don't know what the technical definition of 'mansion' is, but this has got to meet it. A huge four-level house on a hill with five bedrooms and 6.5 baths? This could be that elusive holy grail of family homes – the one that's so big you never have to see any of your family members again. For god's sake, sign me up!
Where to start? The exterior is beautifully shingled, something you don't see all that often. I was definitely won over by the texture. Inside, the place is incredibly roomy. The great room (and it is great) seems to go on forever, and has coffered ceilings, and a beautiful fireplace. The open floor plan gives the house a real feeling of space and flow; if some psychopath broke in and came after you with a scythe, you could probably elude him forever just by running in circles through all the ground floor rooms, like some weird vaudeville routine accompanied by kazoo music.

The chef's kitchen sports a marble-topped island larger than my parking space, as well as the holy trinity of granite countertops, recessed lighting, and stainless steel appliances. Out back is a lovely landscaped courtyard, and there's a fully-finished basement downstairs and the aforementioned five bedrooms, 6.5 baths upstairs. I mean, this place is so big that I literally got tired out from walking through the whole thing. Though this might be a reflection of my fitness level too. True story: I had a bunch of writing projects due last week and I sat in my chair for so many hours consecutively that when I finally stood up, I threw my back out. I'm like a thirty-year-old senior citizen!
2989 Arizona Avenue NW 5 Bedrooms, 6.5 Baths $2,290,000

It might be large, and may even be beautiful on the inside, but could they have gone any cheaper with the landscaping?
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