
Place - one of Shaw's most notable development projects, is set for occupancy later this year. Developers
began work in 2010 on the 320,000 square foot, $150 million development, with 100,000 s.f. of office space, a 205-unit residential apartment building, and 20,000 square feet of street-level retail. The project was designed by architects
Eric Colbert & Associates and
Devrouax + Purnell, and built by
Davis Construction.
Ellis Development, The
Jarvis Company, and
Four Points combined forces to build the project above the Shaw Metro station. The United Negro College Fund has purchased a stake in the building to be the main office resident.

Washington D.C. real estate development news
its not devereux and associates ... its devrouax and purnell, as the architects.
I know little about Shaw, but can't it support more than 20K sqft of new retail space? That number seems extremely low/depressing for being on top of a metro station is such an under-served area. Even the new O St. Market isn't adding that much retail space. All the numbers seem out of whack.
Howard Town Center to fill the remaining retail void?
It's not about how much retail the area can support, it's about how much retail space can fit on the first floor given the site constraints. You have to take out space for the office lobby, residential lobby, parking garage entrance, elevator banks, hallways, mechanical rooms, etc. Once you account for all these items, there really isn't that much space left on the street level for retail space.
I don't see how the residential is expected to be done later this year. The portion that is getting closer to done is the office part (barely visible in the drawing). I don't think they've even broken ground on the residential portion.
Additonal Correction
Devrouax & Purnell
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