The DC government today issued a
request for proposals for up to 300,000 s.f. of development rights near the ballpark and Buzzard Point, inviting developers to bid on land within the "Capitol Gateway" overlay areas of southwest and southeast DC.
The District of Columbia, through the
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
(DMPED), is putting development rights up for bid in the form of Combined Lot
Development rights - additional square footage for landholders within the overlay. The areas are designated for mixed use development, under the current regime developers are able to combine two lots and transfer density between them. The initiative unveiled today adds an additional 300,000 s.f. of development rights within the zone, increasing the density within the high-growth corridor that lines the Anacostia waterfront.
The Request for Expressions of Interest was issued in an 8-page publication - a more streamlined version than past requests, reducing the technical compliance burden on developers. Responses to the request are due August 31st.
Washington D.C. real estate development news
Need to build new Skins Stadium here
Need to build DC United's stadium here.
Build the Skins stadium here! They are not the Maryland Skins. I mean think of all the tax dollars we loose by doing that. No-brainer. No disrespect to United but football is a WAY bigger and better sport and there are WAY more fans which = way more money and excitement for DC...
Perfect place for DCU's new home!
is there room enough for both stadiums? and shared (including underground) parking? i love me some football, but soccer is getting bigger and bigger. plus the international appeal (of soccer) is a no-brainer for a place as international as DC.
I'm confused. I gather that this is an arcane zoning-transferable development rights RFP, as opposed to the more standard develop-a-paricular parcel offering. But what are the properties in question? The photo is of the Florida Rock site, which last I heard is purely privately owned. The map shows pink over a broad area. Help!
These are all good ideas, but the area is not room enough for another stadium, football nor soccer. Having the government works and the nationals fan's in less than a mile proximity of each other is already taking up to 45 minutes to get from 4th & M to Delaware and M which is only 2 blocks. For the residents south of M street its very over whelming.
@Anon - there is MORE than enough room and while I live a block North of 4th & M, I certainly have never seen traffic that bad where it takes 45 minutes to go two blocks?!?
A new park should go here!
This is just transfer of development rights, nothing more. Not sure of the parcels looking for the rights, but this has nothing to do with a new proposed stadium.
Dear SWag as you said you are NORTH of 4th & M the site in question is SOUTH of 4th & M and you probably don't ride the bus nor come south of P Street unless you are going to a ball game which is in SE not SW. If you would like to meet me on a game day on the 74 bus from China Town contact me carolyn.mitchell@yahoo.com or talk with your ANC commissioner Andy Liskey.
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