The Hill East project gained traction last year, when Congress agreed to give the District management and control over Reservation 13 (as well as other land, including the McMillan Reservoir sand filtration site), with the stipulation that 12 acres be turned back over to the Federal government for a congressional mail sorting facility. Final and formal transfer of this land is still to occur. In the meantime, city officials are moving forward with preliminary work, such as demolition and environmental clean-up. Developers are expected to begin work on the south part of the site by demolishing the old DC Department of Human Services psychiatric facility. The north site work will come next, including preparation for construction of the new National Capital Medical Center. The full development of all 67 acres of the Hill East project is expected to be completed in 2015.
this is big news. do you know who the developers are on this project?
it's about friggin' time!
This project is still a few steps away from selecting the official developers. The preliminary demo and enviro work is being handled by DC and the AWC. We'll be sure to update as we learn more.
Wow, big project! But whats with the suburban style zoning? Seperating retail and hospital and residential? C'mon...it's 2007. Lets see some mixed use!
just to nitpick, they didn't transfer the mcmillan reservoir to the district, they transfered the mcmillan sand filtration site. the reservoir is across 1st street. people often confuse the two.
@imgoph - true enough ... that was my quick typing ... have clarified - thanks
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