Located between 34th and 33rd Streets on Prospect Street, the project's address in Georgetown's Historic District meant strict building and zoning requirements. Demolition of the building was not permitted, thus assuring its schoolhouse appearance, however an underground floor has been added. The demolition and restoration of the interior of the schoolhouse is currently underway as is the restoration of the exterior brickwork.
Acknowledging the challenge of finding parking in Georgetown, Gary Kirstein, Principle at Encore said, "We decided to build a garage to put townhouses on, it seemed like a good recipe here." Excavation for the garage has begun; at the project's completion, a driveway between the school and townhouses will lead to the garage, which will include spaces for all residents. Delivery of both the condominiums and townhouses is slated for late 2009.
Well this should just about wrap up all the available places/plots for development in Georgetown.
I can't think of anyplace left.
Maybe a part of the park in Foxhall? ;o)... for the mayor's house?
There's still a surface parking lot on M St, next Pizzaria Paradiso and another on Prospect St across from Cafe Milano. Frankly, I'm surprised nothing has been anounced for these sites.
I had forgotten about those two sites.
I'm surprised too!
I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Can you imagine the hassle of building 'new' construction on those two sites? You'd have to get the design approved by thirty two gazillion committees.
Some recent pics of this project here:
A different group is going to develop another set of condo's with a ground floor retail space further down Prospect towards Wisconsin. It's going to be a five-story building on the lot where Domino's pizza currently stands.
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