Entitled by the LDA to “master developer” status, Hoffman-Struever will now be allowed to name, design and develop the $1.8 billion (including $198 million in publicly financed assets) project with little government direction. Deputy Mayor Albert, via a press release issued by PN Hoffman, described the project as “a true public-private partnership.”
The same statement outlined the developer’s intentions to make the site a “world class mixed-use waterfront destination” with public parks, three hotels, a Maritime Center, commercial office space, retail outlets, and more than 700 housing units. Hoffman envisions the site as serving as the missing link between the Baseball District and "revitalized M Street corridor" and the National Mall. In all, the project will encompass 26 acres of land and another 25 of marina area.
Still, any construction at the site is years off. The LDA is essentially the developer's contract to purchase; the city will not be able to transfer the massive parcel to Hoffman-Struever until 2011, at the earliest. The City Council must still vote on the LDA, which will get its first vetting at hearings on October 6th before the Committee on Economic Development. The Mayor's office expects a vote on the subject by November. Ehrenkrantz, Eckstut & Kuhn was named the master architect in June of last year, officially making the team - officially comprised of PN Hoffman, Struever Bros. Eccles & Rouse, McCormack Baron Salazar, ER Bacon, Acresh, Gotham, City Partners and Triden - the most unpronouncable development team on the east coast.
Dear lord, how could it possibly take until 2011 (at the earliest?!!) for them to commence? They already have agreements with the mediocre restaurants that are still there- they need to get cracking before then.
SWDC is the most forgotten area of DC because it has no advocates (ward 7 & 8 are gone but not forgotten). No one really cares, but nobody ever will unless the city pushes for additional amenities (namely the ones that would come along with this project)
We care!
Please add EEK Architects to the labels. Ehrenkrantz, Eckstut, and Kuhn (EE&K) Architects are the master architects for the plan - good development doesn't exist without good design!
We couldn't agree more - which is why we included them in the story which we see, hierarchically, as more important. I didn't know there were labeling stormtroopers out there. Okay, its in.
Love the blog. You should also create some sort of photo credit as well. The images you are using were created by Interface Multimedia (ifmm.com).
-Photo Credit Stormtrooper
Well thank you for the clarification, glad to see credit given where credit is due.
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