Apparently, both county and federal officials are seeing this unusual turn of events as a win-win situation. “The cemetery acquires new ground for much-needed expansion while the County gains a well-situated, historically significant focal point for community, its past and its legacy,” said Board Chairman J. Walter Tejada, via a press release issued Tuesday.
With the World War II generation dropping away faster than ever, officials at Arlington National Cemetery have been looking for ways to counter the calamitous consequences of overcrowding the 612-acre site. Last year, they initiated the Millennium Project – a $35 million expansion of the cemetery’s northwest edge. So far, Millennium has acquired 10 acres from the neighboring Army complex at Fort Meyer and recovered 4 acres of former maintenance space within its own borders. Millennium still aims to utilize roughly 40 more acres of “unutilized” space within Arlington National Cemetery proper.
Meanwhile, the other beneficiary of the deal, the Black Heritage Museum of Arlington (which currently bills itself as “a museum without walls” due to its lack of permanent quarters) will have to make do with temporary exhibits throughout the County for the foreseeable future. As Arlington County has yet to commit to a timeline beyond the 2011 exchange date, all details pertaining to its new proposed home at the Navy Annex are tentative at best. However, one resource at the disposal of museum management is the Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization, who recently pushed (and succeeded) in getting the nearby Arlington Mill Community Center cleared for extensive, mixed-use redevelopment.
I am a long time reader of this blog and appreciate the content.
I just have a comment about the title of this latest post.
I think it is insensitive to refer to the veterans buried in Arlington, those who died in service of our country, as simply "the dead".
Please consider changing the title to something that honors them more appropriately.
Thank you.
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