Developer Elm Street Development initially planned construction late last year of what was first intended to be a condominium project (that's just so 2006), but now forecasts an open-ended 2010 completion target. Dr. Dremo's, the beloved neighborhood bar that used to stand on the site, closed its doors last January in

With that out the way and approval from the Arlington County Board locked, the WDG-designed project can now move forward unimpeded. The development is bounded by Wilson Boulevard, North Rhodes Street, Clarendon Boulevard, and North Courthouse Road, but confusingly carries a street address of 2001 Clarendon Boulevard despite the 2000 Wilson title; meaning the next hurdle for the project lies at the feet of the marketing team.
This would be considered the Courthouse neighborhood rather than Clarendon. In fact it's closer to the Rosslyn/Courthouse edge than the Clarendon/Courthouse edge.
The Taco Bell is completly demolished already. Dr Dremo's demoliton just started Monday, and will probably be done by the end of the week.....
Does anyone know what is going on with the site that ZOM bought next door or the ZOM project in Clarendon?
The ZOM site is tracking its way through the design process, and slowly starting through the Arlington County approvals. Don't expect a construction start for at least 18 months.
Totally agree with fourthandeye - this is Courthouse, not Clarendon. I was very confused until I saw "Taco Bell" and "Dr. Dreamo's."
ZOM just demolished their site in Clarendon. They are planning to start by years end.
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