The federal law specifically faults the GSA, given authority to redevelop the building in 2001, for dallying to produce its 2004 Request for Expressions of Interest, a document which generated substantial buzz and private sector feedback at the time, but which the GSA miscarried, leaving it unchanged. GSA could not be reached for comment.
GSA and the Office of Management and Budget had been evaluating redevelopment options for the famed edifice on Pennsylvania Avenue for a number of years. Federal Triangle’s Old Post Office was the largest government building and the first steel-framed building in the capital when initially built as the headquarters of the Post Office Department in an attempt to revitalize the surrounding neighborhood.
Complete demolition is not a threat as it was after WWII, but under the National Historic Preservation Act the government space can be leased to private tenants, providing endless possible uses for the building. In the 80’s, the GSA tried to take advantage of this by creating retail space on the first two floors, a project that has since proved financially unsuccessful. Congress suggested that the use of the lower level space not be predetermined, but rather this redevelopment project to be used as an opportunity for developers to submit unique ideas for the building – with the stipulation that any changes made to the inside of the building during redevelopment be reversible.
The bill calls for the facility to put to a better use than its’ current incarnation as the home of a food court and a dwindling number of government offices.
The speed of the redevelopment does seem a bit, well, postal, given that the idea was initially put forth…wait for it…44 years ago. The Pennsylvania Avenue Commission - initiated by President John F. Kennedy in 1962 - recommended the demolition of the Post Office to allow for completion of Federal Triangle and revitalization of what was then a decaying strip of Pennsylvania Ave. Nancy Hawks, the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts at the time, led a crusade against the measure that included letter writing campaigns and full blown street protests. Eventually, the government backed away from the matter and the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places – a status that will protect it against demolition during any redevelopment efforts that take place. Metropole
Thank god! It's an amazing building, and it should be put to an interesting use. Preferably something with entertainment value, given its unique location. It would be an opportunity to breathe some life into that area.
housing, housing, housing! we need more mixed-use downtown.
housing, housing, housing........Absolutely!
I liked going there to eat. But what's killed the retail business is the post 9-11 metal detectors and guards at the entry.
What would also be nice to include would be some sort of theater/concert stage use included in a mix use. Given it's inner core and proximity to other theaters, it sounds feasable. Sure wish they could redevelop the Giant Kleenex Box that is the Kennedy Center! Hideous Architecture blocking the Potomac!!!
Can you say 'college adjunct facility' - JHU, GWU, GU, AU, Stanford, et al....law school, fininace/business, international relations, law school, etc...the lower floors can be conference, major lecture spaces, or library areas....it does not work as an open public commons or an office building....
I particularly like the educational aspect of space utilization. Any one of the local Universities could lease the space for classes/theater/lecture/whatever. Not too keen on the housing idea though. It would more than likely be ridiculously over-priced and unattainable for us "normal" people.
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