As the Washington Examiner reported this past spring, the "hotly contested development project" was, as of last March, "

The joint development team - The Horning Brothers, The Menkiti Group, and property owner Jim Stiegman - will once again attempt to move forward, with the aim being to follow close behind the 9-acre, mixed-use Monroe Street Market, a $200-million transformation south of Catholic University that broke ground last month. "We're excited about [901 Monroe]," said CEO and president of Horning David Roodberg. "It'll be a nice connection to Abdo and Bozzuto's development [Monroe Street Market] on the other side of the metro tracks."
Eventually, Brookland will become "a metro-accessible destination in itself," believes Roodberg, highlighting the continuous frontage of street-level retail bays included in 901 Monroe that will seamlessly connect to the retail corridor running through Monroe Street Market (site plan at left).
Of course, some fear that the quantity and scale of new residential and retail development in the area will render Brookland unrecognizable in coming years, while others argue that's not a bad thing.
A notable aspect of the development is that the site is a 60,000-s.f. area (below, in yellow) currently fringed with several small buildings, both commercial and residential, including a long-standing local pub, Colonel Brooks' Tavern.

It's believed that Stiegman approached the Menkiti Group with the idea to develop, and The Horning Brothers were brought on board soon after.
Eight years later, a PUD is ready to be reviewed, and once approved, the development checklist will begin: construction documents, permits, and financing, confirmed Roodberg. If zoning approval is swift - if - construction could begin as early as the fall of 2012, said Roodberg, with delivery in 2014.

Alternatives for community benefits offered through the project include the creation of a community park on the west side of 9th Street, on property owned by DDOT and WMATA. Developers say they "found those agencies to be receptive to the idea of a community park" due to the area's shallow depth (limiting potential uses), as it's hemmed in by WMATA/CSX train tracks.
The Brookland business community has also been gunning for "significant sign pylons welcoming people to Brookland, heavy duty mounted poles and banners advertising the Brookland commercial area, potential art/sculpture in public space, the installation of six Metropolitan Police Department cameras, enhanced landscaping and various public space improvements."
The pre-hearing statement for the PUD was filed in October, and all 147 pages are available for late-night reading.
Washington D.C. real estate development news
This is a great project. I live less than two blocks from this project and am in 100% support.
I live on Lawrence Street across from the proposed development and support it wholeheartedly. Brookland is a nice neighborhood, but it could be much nicer, and this development is a step in the right direction
I'm a longtime Brooklander and live down Monroe Street a piece.
Also think that this project is a good one that will add to the commercial life of the neighborhood. I support it.
Also glad that the developer has agreed to underground the utility wires on this stretch, which is an important thing to do.
I have lived within two blocks of the proposed development for several years. My concern is that property values or rents in Brookland may skyrocket, leading to the possibility of residents no longer being able to afford to live here.
The building's architecture has substantially improved since the concept was first unveiled as part of its PUD review. Brookland deserves this level of finish, and kudos to the development team for its commitment to quality.
We have friends who live at the Whitman, and it is well constructed with high-quality finishes.
With the arrival of construction cranes at Abdo's Monroe Street project, this is an exciting time for Brookland! Keep the new investment coming!!
Tom in Michigan Park
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