You always hear Drake singing about how depressing and melancholy it is to sit in your penthouse and look out over the city, but then when I'm in an actual penthouse I'm like “how can you ever sit in a place like this and feel depressed?!” Drake should spend a little time in my shabby rowhouse apartment that features an unanchored toilet (you can lift it right off the floor or – horrifyingly – it can tip over when you're on it) and four layers of wall to wall carpeting (when a tenant moves out, my landlord just puts down a fresh layer of carpet on top of the old one). I'd love to hear a melancholy ballad about that.
This stunning Dupont penthouse in PN Hoffman's The Madison pretty much has it all: a floating staircase, dramatic high ceilings, tons of light. This is definitely what I would call a trophy home. The kitchen is expansive with maybe the most kitchen storage I've ever seen. The master suite it huge enough that it would be a fantastic apartment in and of itself; it even has its own terrace, and features ridiculously massive closets that made me want to twirl around and around with my arms spread like Julie Andrews in “The Sound of Music.” (Not really.) The baths are of five-star hotel quality, with beautiful finishes and those rainfall-style showerheads that's just like showering outside in the rain except it doesn't end abruptly with you getting tasered by the police.
There's also a fantastic roof deck and the place comes with a huge storage unit that would take decades to fill up, and that's assuming you have a severe and well-financed shopping problem.
1514 21st Street NW #9
3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths

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