The studio apartments as well as 1 and 2 bedroom units will range from 500 s.f. to just under 1,600 s.f. in size (total of 190,000 rentable sq. ft.), and will hide the 198 space parking garage planned for the back half of the lot (half above, half below ground). A top floor penthouse comprises the tenth level of the structure. While the bottom level will feature 18,500 s.f. of flexible retail spaces (two to six spots) reserved for tenants that will supply neighborhood wants and needs: a grocery store, restaurants, bank, café, and/or a home furnishing business are all possibilities. At least a portion of the delivered units will be affordable, but how large that chunk will be remains unknown.
Shalom Baranes will stay on as design architect. They have created an impressive building plan that will feature floor to ceiling glass views, private terraces, a media room, conference lounge, fitness center, rooftop pool and a green roof feature, in addition to a roomy lobby that will open into an outdoor atrium. Donohoe Construction is serving as general contractor and will carryout the plans the developers hope will earn Gold LEED certification upon completion. No timetable for construction is currently being shared publicly.
Washington D.C. Real Estate Development News
Of Course.
Wish the building had a little more character than the cookie cutter Arlington, VA buildings. Oh well - guess it is better than a rubble filled lot.
Looks great - can't wait to get the projects in this area moving (to include the 14 W / YMCA project across the street which "broke ground" in Sept 2008). Also, I thought the real eatate analysis in this area was showing a need for condos vice apartemnts (low surplus of available condos + increased rental options at Veiw 14 etc).
Another international style retro building to incrimentally erase the neighborhoods unique character. "Floor to ceiling glass", WOW, how daring! Another boom to the curtain and shade shops around town.
here, here to the comments on the lack of character to this building design.
Is it me or have we seen more announcements recently of developers getting ready to proceed with construction? Are credit lines finally unfreezing?
@Anonymous 12:52 PM
Perhaps the developers want to get started on these projects while DC still has a mayor favorable to new growth and new residents moving to the city.
That seals it for this neighborhood; if the city would stop building so much affordable housing in Columbia Heights the regeneration of that strip might actually stretch itself up 14th Street.
It's not "affordable housing" that I'm opposed to, but the large concentration of public housing in this strip of 14th prevents any real connection between the redevelopment at Irving and that around U. A semi-public housing building has also been approved for the lot immediately behind the Nehemiah lot. I agree, the design of this one is uninspiring. I'm happy to see something rise from the rubble, other than an ill-advised strip mall. But I wish it could be a more inspiring concept and design.
And for all of you who voted for Gray - expect more pan-handling to the "disenfranchised." We who regentrified the District (what I consider to be a racist term) pay more taxes and therefore help to improve city services. Are neighborhoods should repell the subsidized housing and be able to say...."...take that %^$# East of the Anacostia..." The city will continue to move towards a black minority and one day the DC Government will one day be even more efficient than it was under the Fenty Administration.
ugh...that building is god-awful UGLY. Why can't they get an architect in there that can actually design for aesthetics as well and utility?
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