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Think this, but with dinosaur bones hanging from the ceilings. |
At one point the venture was threatened when official letters of opposition from ANC6C, ANC2C, Downtown Neighborhood Association, and The Ventana/Mather studios were sent to Alcohol Beverage Regulatory Administration (ABRA). But the Andrullis family decided to take a back seat and allow local resident and hospitality expert Giles Beeker to lead, manage and control the development going forward. Employing a more effective community relations campaign, the MoA&S is now moving quickly forward with their business plan. Addressing the next door residents' security concerns, Beeker helped forge an in-depth security plan, laying out their strategy to maintain "neighborhood peace, quiet, safety and security" before, after, and during the Museum's events; the plan also includes specific policy and procedure to curb, if not entirely eliminate, lines of patrons waiting to enter the property. In coordination with the surrounding community and their legal representative Manny Mpras, Beeker also developed a Voluntary Agreement incorporating specifics of the security plan and other stipulations such as noise abatement and parking issues; the Agreement was recently approved essentially as-is by ABRA.
Renovations at the future Museum are moving along and inspections have begun. The third floor theater-like balcony has been stripped away so the interior sets up more like the multi-purpose facility developers promised and less like a nightclub. One of the most important renovation features, the soundproofing of several top floor, rear rooms was recently completed. The facade of the building is also getting a thorough makeover helping to erase the scars of the bullets from the shooting that shuttered the Platinum night club in 2008.
After rejecting the community protesters' initial request to deny and dismiss the Museum's ABRA application in late June, the MoA&S was required to submit more detailed business plans and security measures before moving forward with their liquor license application. All requested details were submitted in late July and a fact finding hearing was held in early September. The results of that meeting have not been made public, but the process appears to be moving more smoothly without the weight of community opposition. Developers initially hoped to open the venue on October 1st, but will certainly not have the proper licensing by then. Inspections are expected to continue as construction on the main floor winds down this fall, and work on the upper floors will continue into the new year even after doors are opened. The first experimental mash-up of art, science, and alcohol could happen very soon.
Washington D.C. Real Estate Development News
Washington D.C. Real Estate Development News
i dont understand. This club has been there for years. Even if it is A nighclub, well, its been one since before your damn condo was there, so suck it up. You live in a city. People like to enjoy going out in a city.
The club has been closed for 2 years due to numerous fights involving various deadly weapons. As a condo resident across the street, I have no issue with the fact that there is a club on my block. The issue is that I care about my property value and simply giving the place a face lift and re-opening the same space will not help that or the city. Neighbors and patrons should feel safe and as long as the developer takes that into consideration, there shouldn't be an issue.
With Ultra Bar nightclub literally sharing a wall with the former Platinum building, it is only natural for neighbors in the area to be concerned about the amount of inebriated individuals right outside their doors at 3 AM. And with a capacity of 1300 people for the MoA&S alone, this is a viable concern for all involved.
I have been to Platinum several times on various nights, had no idea it was shuttered in 2008. BTW, everytime I went there was at least one car if not an entire police van outside...which may not help my case. It was a very nice spot to hang, with the 3 levels of floors looking onto a nice size dance floor. Plus a two room basement dance and lounge area with a bar......simply put....a Very Urban place to party. There is a similar club in Baltimore with the same architectural interior....However I do remember seeing the condos being built right across the street and thinking this could get ugly. It sucks that you can't have 1,000+ people establishments coexists with dense residential area. To me that what defines Urbanity.....then again, Unfortunately once some outsider decides to go haywire up at a club, even outside.....the CLUB is blamed?!?!......which is odd to me. To bad they taking out the top level......its was good view...smh.
This space was awesome when I visited it as "The Fifth Column" in the early 90's.
Its was all just alot of bulling. The protest came from the neighboring anc, that is located blocks away. The anc in which the building is located was fine with everything. As far as the company, well after being told by the people who were protesting, "if you do not drop the person you have in charge of the project, you will never get your license", owner ( i was told) walked in the next day, and told the GM good bye it was a nice run. This happened in june of 2010. S dnt worry, the company has down sized. The persons who are the decision makers are trying to have an apple business in an orange industry!
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