The owner 4619 41st LLC has begun construction on the site, certainly better known for what it was than what it will be. The land abuts the landmarked Western Union tower, an art deco, 73-foot limestone tower designed as a microwave relay station to replace wired telegraphy, the first structure in the country built for that purpose. The construction site also was used briefly by American Tower for a 760-foot behemoth that would have dwarfed others nearby, but was heavily protested by neighb

Engineers for the site call the project one of the more technically difficult sites to work on, with the tiny site adjoining the Western Union tower and Dancing Crab, both of which have to be dug below and underpinned, caisson footings from the removed radio tower have to be excavated, and a Metro tunnel underneath that WMATA doesn't really want punctured.

The engineering firm seems up to the task. KCE Structural Engineers has been part of $42 billion worth of construction projects, having engineered Washington Harbor, Federal Triangle, the John Wilson building addition, Bethesda Metro Center, the PTO building in Alexandria, and Arena Stage. KCE Principal Allyn Kilsheimer has a more personal connection with the construction site, having grown up in the neighborhood and having been part of the engineering team that readapted the Western Union tower as a junior engineer at Beall & Lemay in the early '60's. Kilsheimer went on to found KCE in 1968, engineering buildings throughout DC and beyond. With such eminence in the engineering world, Kilsheimer was called to the World Trade Center site on September 11, 2001, but, barely

"This is a very, very complicated building" said Kilsheimer. "We're now doing the underpinning of the Crab Shack and tower, the foundation should be laid in 3-4 months." Georgetown based Grupo7, which has worked with the Ed Peete company on numerous interior designs and restaurant build-outs, is providing architectural design. With Tenley's Babes and Safeway going nowhere, the new restaurants will add some flavor at the top of DC.

Washington DC real estate development news
I favor the scale of this proposed project.
This shows that where there's a will, there's a way. The upscale, classy design may be the high point of Tenleytown, right after the new library which is also very glassy and classy. But we could use more of the same. Let's hope that the new owner of Babe's and the powers that be at Safeway get with the program and continue to invest in this dynamic up-and-coming neighborhood.
The post identifies the architect and the engineer, but who is the developer?
@Anonymous 1:52PM
Hopefully American University also relocates the law school from the suburban Spring Valley campus to Tenley Circle. The commitment to moving forward with the Giant project further south on Wisconsin Avenue is also a significant step for this corridor. As you mentioned, now lets get Babe's Billiards built.
Sorry, here's the formatted link:
Please, please, please make it a restaurant that caters to the urban clientele. All the restaurants in this neighborhood are tired and worn, and seem to serve the suburban stereotype. We could use something more interesting than Guapos and the crappy takeout places.
"glassy and classy?" "high point of Tenleytown?" Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder!
It's a step in the right direction. The architectural style (and that of the library), may herald a new future for the area. Maybe it'll be the next u street! Uh.. I mean h street, or whatever. Lots of potential in that area... Seriously? It should be called upper upper Georgetown. :-)
What a beautiful building. It is modern but elegant and very respectful of the historic tower behind it. You can see it from the front. I wish we could see more buildings like this in DC. A lot of the contemporary buildings we have are look the same. Good News for Tenley Town!!
Nice looking building. I hope more modern buildings come to tenley.
It is about time someone did something with that site - this is something this part of the city needs. Love the design - I'm excited to see this happen.
Awesome. That lot has been vacant far too long and this area could really use a nice restaurant.
Guapos is very good if you like Mexican food. Chat Noir has some of the best French food in the city. Masala Art has top-notch gourmet Indian food and Matisse has a good reputation, though I've never been there. Also the new Pete's has been listed with some of the best pizza on the East Coast. Maybe you should get out more, learn to enjoy the Metro or move to NYC if this neighborhood is beneath your standards.
PLEASE give us a new high-end restaurant. We will support it!
If Guapos is your idea of good cuisine, try the McDonald's down the street, you might like that too. Its Mexican food. Not bad, but not worth visiting more than once in a great while. Pete's is fantastic, I haven't been to Chat Noir since they gave me worthlessly small crepe for $13.
Very interesting addition to Tenley!! I like that the historic tower is visible from the side and and fist level of the new building. ! assume that will be some kind of restaurant. There also seems to be space for outdoor seating. That will help that bare and beat up sidewalk feel much better. Given what is there right now, this is great for the area.
is grupo7 any relation to guapo's? hmmm....think about it, people.
Please consider putting a child care option in the building! This area of town has very few childcare providers and many children! The community would welcome it!!
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