Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bozzuto Group Wins Silver Spring Mixed-Use Project

Back in late October, the Montgomery County Planning Board of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MC-MNCPPC) heard proposals from three development teams competing to design and build a new mixed-use project on 3.24 acres at the corner of Georgia Avenue and Spring Street, at the northwestern entrance to downtown Silver Spring. This week, the Commission officially announced the winner to be SilverPlace, LLC (comprised of Bozzuto Group, Spaulding & Slye, and Harrison Development).

 Phase I will include a mixed-use building on Georgia Avenue that will hold 358 dwelling units (261 for sale, 91 for rent), 30% of which will be affordable. The initial development will also include retail, a specialty grocery store, and over 500 underground parking spaces, as well as a 9-story office tower on Spring Street that will house the Montgomery County Park and Planning Commission (PPC). Overall, there will be 150,000 sf of office space. The project will extend Fenton Street to open it to residential and retail development.

Groundbreaking is likely to be in 2008, with completion in 2010. Silver Spring-based Torti Gallas will provide master planning for the project. The two proposals not selected included one from Silver Place Joint-Venture, LLC (Donohoe Companies, Otis Warren & Company and MCF Investment Company), which proposed three buildings (one residential, one mixed-use with residential, office space, and retail, and the PPC headquarters), and another from PN Hoffman / Stonebridge Associates, which would have built residential and retail on this site, and a new PPC headquarters at a different lot already owned by the team.

Silver Spring, MD real estate development news


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Looks like the leggo sets I used to play with as a kid. No class or value. Just cheap cheap materials. Lets see how long it takes for this comment to be deleted.

Nick on Jan 23, 2007, 3:17:00 PM said...

A valid comment - though what you see in renderings usually is a far cry from the final product, so here's hoping the whimsical nature of this drawing is just that.

And we don't delete comments to the blog - any deleted posts you are might see are because of SPAM messages getting through Blogger - an issue we are working to correct with them. We aren’t partisan or here to support one side or the other – we are just trying to report the latest news in real estate. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Anonymous said...

what Web site did you get the photos from? It would be nice to see them in full size and in context of the overall development.

Nick on Jan 23, 2007, 11:36:00 PM said...

You can see more renderings at the MD Park adn Planning site -


Anonymous said...

Switching to haloscan comments might help with the spam issue.

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