Showing posts with label Whitman-Walker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whitman-Walker. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Whitman-Walker Stalls at the HPRB

As expected, the Historic Preservation Review Board sided with Historic Preservation Office staff and has sent JBG’s proposed redevelopment of 14th Street's Whitman-Walker Clinic headquarters back to the drawing board.

After a 6-2 vote, the panel told the developer and architect Shalom Baranes to “restudy the proposal with regard to the design of the facade and the location of the garage entrance, to incorporate on-site interpretative information on the historic role of the Whitman-Walker clinic, and return to the Board when appropriate.”

The development team had previously taken a lashing from both the local ANC and Board of Zoning Adjustment with regards to perceived design flaws in the residential project.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

JBG's Unrequited Love for 14th Street

Washington DC commercial real estate It just isn't easy being a developer these days. Don't get us started on the state of the housing market. But developing in a neighborhood where the city government and locals have pushed further development should not be so thankless. Case in point: The JBG Companies went before the DC Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) on December 2nd with their plans to redevelop the current Whitman-Walker Clinic headquarters at the intersection of 14th and S Streets into a seven-story, mixed-use housing complex with street retail, and received little love from the community for their efforts. JBG Smith 14th Street project, Whitman Walker clinic, Historic Preservation Review Board, HPRBComplaints voiced at the BZA meeting fell into two general categories - one being the impact on the community of a mid-rise development on the fast-growing 14th Street corridor, the other being zoning exceptions to the amount of on-site parking offered. Ever since, there’s been buzz about the lack of both community and ANC support for the project – and even speculation that JBG might be forced to be holster the 120-130 unit project for the foreseeable future.

As anyone who has ever dipped their toes into the murky pool of Washington DC development will tell, community objections to projects are a very nearly unavoidable part of the business. But some testimonials at the hearing cut deeper than others, with one witness attacking JBG for “fattening their wallets” at the expense of the neighborhood. The BZA was also forced to consider zoning exemptions allowing JBG to include 18 fewer parking spaces instead of minimum 108. The Cardozo Shaw Neighborhood Association has also voted to forward their list of community grievances onto the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), the project's next stop - probably one of the reasons the developer decided not to get full height out of the space with a P.U.D., which would have taken longer and required more community input.

Furthermore, one month prior to the BZA hearing, JBG also made their first presentation to the local ANC2B – where all four of their requested variances were voted against, despite the initial support of ANC Chair Ramon Estrada, and similar residential projects like Matrix, View 14, and Nehemiah Center, just around the corner. Although the ANC poll is a non-binding advisory vote, a nay from the ANC has traditionally not helped chances with the zoning authorities, and woe betide those that don't have ANC approval in their pocket.

Despite these setbacks, Andrew McIntyre of JBG informs DCMud that the developer is nonetheless on track with their proposal, and that any rumors of the project’s demise are at least somewhat exaggerated. And though a BZA ruling will not be issued until at least January, the development team will go before Mr. Estrada and his ANC board tomorrow, December 11th at 7 pm, for a second crack at "appeasing the natives." The meeting is to be held at DC Jewish Community Center at 16th and Q Streets NW and will be open to the public. Following that, the project then goes before the HPRB on December 18th.

Washington DC retail and commercial real estate news

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Whitman-Walker Goes High-Rise Residential

The JBG Companies are moving quickly with their proposed redevelopment of the soon-to-be former headquarters of the Whitman-Walker Clinic. Located at 1407 S St. NW, flush with the corner of 14th, current plans call for the construction of a 7-story residential building to be complimented with ground level retail. The as-yet untitled development is aiming for a late fall 2009 groundbreaking with completion slated for two years thereafter.

The Shalom Baranes-designed building will contain between 120 and 130 residential units in its 120,000 square feet and top out at 75 feet above grade. Although floorplans and designs have yet to finalized, Andrew McIntyre of the JBG development team told DC Mud that the developer is "definitely leaning towards high design, efficient units." JBG is currently engaged in talks with the city government regarding the inclusion of affordable housing in the project.

The development should be an alluring addition for local businesses, as it will stand on a block that already houses several chic inner-city destinations such as the Café Saint-Ex, the Pulp boutique and the Black Cat nightclub - venues that are filling up the rapidly developing 14th Street retail corridor. JBG is currently vetting prospects for the site that include a grocery store, a pharmacy and a restaurant. “It will be a complement to the retail that you find up and down 14th Street and in the whole Logan Circle neighborhood,” said McIntyre. “We’re really excited to building over in that corridor. There’s a lot of opportunity at such a vibrant location in the city.”

Since the developer acquired the parcel at 14th and S Streets NW last June, designs for the development have been undergoing both internal reviews at JBG and before the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB). Having made the necessary revisions according to the HPRB’s specifications, designs will once again go before the Board in October.

JBG acquired the Whitman-Walker Clinic’s administrative headquarters last June for $8 million, though the facility will remain operational until the end of the year. McIntyre characterized the developer’s relationship with the prominent local HIV-AIDS and social services organization as a win-win situation for both parties:

“They are actually condensing their operations into their other existing building. We stepped in because Whitman-Walker was looking to fund the shortfalls from their operation through other sources. This was an opportunity for us to help them out and a very mutually satisfying opportunity from the standpoint that we really believe in their mission.”


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