But last week, the developer, citing zoning issues with the office space and parks, told the Silver Spring Commercial Economic Development Committee that it plans to drop the office building and all its retail space, plus the two parks, from its proposal, leaving just the two residential towers (pictured), but now with only 165 units instead of 255. No decision has been made yet as to whether these will be condos or rentals, though 15% will be set aside as moderately priced dwelling units. The residential buildings will retain the 7,000 sf of retail. There will also be 186 parking spaces below the residential buildings. The revised proposal is expected to be discussed before the Montgomery County Planning Board on June 7.
I like the blog but you need to start providing some links!
Thanks for the feedback - are you looking for more links to the projects and developers themselves in the stories? We can try and do a better job on that.
yup, both, curbed.com is one of my favorite blogs, but only covers NYC real estate...they have links everywhere
Curbed is definitely a great real estate site. One day we hopefully will have more resources and time to devote to the blog (as it is now, it's catch as catch can with our mild-mannered agent alter egos taking up a good chunk of time). But we will work to make the blog better as you suggest - thanks!
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