The Petrovitch Auto Repair Garage has seen its last jalopy. The four-story building, long a fixture at the corner of 14th Street and Florida Avenue, NW, is finally scheduled to be demolished this week to make way for Level 2’s new $80 million View 14 condominium project. View 14 will contain 180 condo units (starting in the mid-$200s up to $1 million), as well as a 20,000-square-foot gym and 16,000 square feet for retail, and is scheduled to be completed by summer 2008. One troublesome issue with the lot are the Comcast satellite dishes on the south corner, though Level 2 has indicated it will move the dishes and put an antenna on top of its building when completed. In addition, over $1 million needs to be spent cleaning up the motor-oil contaminated soil under the site.
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