This past week, the Arlington County Board issued its approval for two new projects along Columbia Pike as part of the county’s "Town Center" revitalization effort. The first project receiving the Board’s approval is
Penrose Square (pictured), which will be located on Columbia Pike between Cleveland and Adams Street. This project, which will replace the existing Adams Square strip shopping center, will include 299 rental apartments, a new 61,500-sf Giant grocery store, and 36,000 sf of retail. The developers,
Carbon Thompson Developers and B.M. Smith and Associates, will also provide land for a public plaza to be built by the county. The Board also approved a new project by developer
Georgelas Group LLC, that will contain 188 rental units, 32,000 sf of retail, and 14,000 sf of office space, plus 408 parking spots. This development will be built on the site of the old Safeway store on Columbia Pike between Adams and Wayne Streets.
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