A new affordable housing project got underway Wednesday, when Arlington-based
AHC started demolition of the
Fairview Manor Apartments to make way for
The Shelton (rendering pictured), a 94-unit apartment building dedicated exclusively to affordable living. The $27 million project, located at 2310 Shirlington Rd. in the Nauck section of Arlington, replaces a dated 22-unit apartment building that provided HUD Section 8 homes. Prominent DC architects
Bonstra | Haresign designed the new 4-story building to include 108 underground parking spaces and 94 units for a range of low and moderate income tenants in a structure that progressively departs from dominant affordable-housing design, employing a lively masonry facade and window appearance. Said
David Haresign, architect for the project: "Affordable housing and high-quality, thoughtful design are not mutually exclusive...."
The Shelton should be ready for its first tenants, with incomes from 40 to 60% of the AMI, in 18 to 24 months, and will offer studios, one, two, and three-bedroom apartments. AHC acquired the property in 1983, and received approval for this project one year ago from the Arlington County Board.
Joe Weatherly, Project Manager for AHC, says the design was the result of close cooperation with neighbors, who ultimately endorsed the project. Construction will be performed by
Harkins Builders.
is there any way you could put the images into your website so that when we click on them they become a lot bigger? that would be really great. thanks!
We should have that ability in the near future. The whole blog is being redesigned so we can take it off blogger and give it a better look, and so pictures will be much easier to view. Until the redo is complete we're stuck with this system. Thanks for the feedback.
Its not the Taj, but come on, compared to the big box, flat front garbage that the Feds used to sponsor in the '60's and '70's, this is pretty sweet. Not much different than the condos going up in the neighborhood.
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