One building will be a 350-unit residential structure while the other will be a 577,000 s.f. office building; both will include retail on the lower levels. The residential building will be approximately 35 ft shorter than the office building, which will include a two-level observation deck rendered with arched windows that will provide a panoramic view of D.C.’s monuments and the Arlington National Cemetery.
According to Kathleen Webb, a Principal at JBG, if the plan is approved in April, demolition of Orleans House restaurant, McDonalds, and office buildings that currently occupy the site will begin a year later.
Thomas Miller, Current Planning Supervisor in the Arlington Planning Division, said that despite the nearly five year planning process, “people are really supportive of and happy with getting more heights in the area.”
In order to establish building heights that both fulfill the project’s goals and are safe for the area’s air traffic, developers have been working with the Federal Aviation Administration. The tallest building will be about 470 ft above sea level and divided into approximately 30 floors. A completion date has not yet been announced.
Any idea if the residential units will be apartments or condos? If they're condos, I hope they don't cost as much as the Waterview! Somehow, I think they will even though they won't overlook the Potomac.
No word on that yet.
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