The Armenian Genocide Museum of America will fully restore the 'elevated bank', a term used for banks that house their main hall on the second floor, both inside and out, to its former Neoclassical glory. Exterior workwill include the removal of a superimposed facade that Hahn Shoe Store, the longtime occupant of the street-level space, had constructed long ago, as well as a general restoration of the building's "vault-like exterior design," as described by HPRB.
Along with exterior upgrades, AGMA will restore the historic two-story banking hall, along with many other non-historic areas such as the former boardroom on the building's top level. According to Rouben Adalian, Director of the Armenian National Institute, the fact that the building is being turned into a museum will actually enhance the historical restoration process because so much focus is being devoted to the building's aesthetics.
With the intent of avoiding unnecessary stress to the historic travertine stairs from 14th street up to the central door and to accommodate the crowds it will surely attract, AGMA will construct a modern glass tower on an neighboring vacant lot to the east of the future-museum. The new building, which will be equal in height to the former bank, will serve to circulate the public through the exhibit, housing stairs, elevators, public amenities and generally serve as a public entrance. Said Adalian: "It will be a modern glass tower that will complement the historic building and a lot of care and attention is being given to make sure that it is a proper fit."
"The reason the museum board has been inclined toward a glass tower, something that lets in a lot of light, has a symbolic meaning, to the extent that genocide is a horrible story to recount. The old building, which is a very closed structure with dark interior spaces, seems to be a fitting setting for telling a dark story. And the glass tower stands in a contrast to that in order to let in light on the subject matter, to invite the public to come and visit and to learn from this terrible event and about the value of human rights."

Does anyone know when this project is likely to begin construction?
this is a really weird april fools.
this is true
..and very exciting, for a building that still looks like it is in the decrepit marion barry 1980-90s.
The museum has been a "long term" planned development on the books of the DC BID's quarterly construction update. Nice to see some movement on the project.
I'm pleased to see movement on this project also. I am glad that the group will be removing the superimposed facade built by Hahns Shoes. Thanks for the report!
I had sex in their twice with 2 prostitutes. I am hating the fact that they are going to remodel this.
anonymous: the only thing sadder than you paying for sex, is the fact that you get a strange sense of accomplishment in announcing it to people you've never met, as you sit all alone in your cold studio apartment.
This is the Nat'l Bank of Washington bldg, right? This has been going on for at least 10 years - time to fish or sell.
DC Lover,
I am not proud about it but I am merely stating the building has a history. When I arrive here from Cuba, I wanted to experience the American dream and those Russian prostitutes definitely gave me a dream. Nonetheless, I share my mistake/experience with the rest of the world because this is a blog site.
FYI, I don't own a studio I own a 2700 sq ft Penthouse Condo.
anonymous: you live in an enormous penthouse condo and you still can't get laid without paying for it? I retract my previous statement...that is the saddest thing you've said thus far.
DC Lover,
I have no love for you. You sound bitter and probably have had no sex in your life at all. I apologized for my past encounters but you can't let that go. I was just remembering what use to go on there. Besides the events had 16 yrs ago when I was still wet behind my ears. By the wet, if you are hot and play your cards right I might pay you a little something for a french tickler. (wink).
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