On Monday, at 10:30am, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and assorted camera-seekers will join developer StonebridgeCarras at 2nd and N Streets, NE, to break ground at for the first phase of
StonebridgeCarras, with Chicago-based partner Walton Street Capital, had announced several major leases over just the past few weeks, including the Department of Justice lease of 88% of the office space of Two Constitution Square, and the 20-year lease of Harris Teeter, which hopes to open in late 2010. The project sits adjacent to the New York Ave. Metro station; the residential portion will be designed by Bethesda's SK&I Architectural Group. HOK Architecture is designing the office space; the project is being ambitiously designed to achieve a LEED Gold certification by the U.S. Green Building Council.
I heard they're making an additional announcement at the ground breaking. Any idea what that is?
so, was there an announcement?
If there was a big addition, it was too subtle for us. We attended the event but didn't hear anything new. Sorry if you were expecting something thrilling.
Hadn't heard about the 200-room Hilton before (in addition to the Marriott already under construction). So maybe that's it.
I believe that was it. I've been following it and hadn't heard that until today.
The Courtyard Marriot is just topping off the top floor this week. They're making some great progress.
I'm a little disappointed the pizza place, deli and five guys haven't started construction. Would be nice to see that open for at least some of Artomatic.
Ken is the MAN.
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