"I call on the Department of Housing and Community Development to investigate. I am concerned that evidence given to me suggest fraud. This

Wilson Reynolds, Director of Constituent Services for Graham said this exploitation of affordable housing is an abuse of pre-delivery agreements between the District and developers. "The standardization and enforcement for affordable housing has not been what it needs to be. We have constituents that are telling us that they are finding affordable units being advertised at market rate. We have people taking advantage of something for which an awful lot of work was done and concessions were made. This has deep implications because the city has given things in return to allow developers to reach extra floor area ratios or other variances in exchange for creating units that were supposed to be affordable," Reynolds added.
Reynolds said the purpose of the investigation is to find out who is at fault; Graham is not specifically pointing fingers at the developers or the unit owners. Reynolds said it will be a multi-step process and will include the Department of Housing and Community Development, that has a history of dealing with affordable housing. Other involved agencies will likely include the DC Office of the Deputy Mayor, the Office of Zoning, and Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.
Under DC law, those who buy affordable units cannot rent it for five years. The District government offers developers additional square footage and other such incentives in return for affordable units.
"The idea is they're supposed to live in it for five years. There are variations, you may be able to rent it or sell it, you have the right of ownership, but because of the ADU covenant, there may be qualifiers in it. One example is that after five years, you can rent it but to someone who doesn't exceed the income level that you had when you purchased it," Reynolds said.
"Affordable housing is precious in our city, and we must do all we can to preserve it," Graham said.
while i appreciate the concept behind affordable housing, i dont think the level of effort it will take to monitor the activities of a homeowner over the course of 5 years and beyond is reasonable or achievable. as example: if you need to rent your affordable condo now (you got transferred, you lost your job)- whats the likely hood that you would turn away a renter that has good credit and makes more than you do? that doesnt seem enforceable. who is doing the checking? the developer? your neighbors? some new enforcement agency?
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