A representative at Howard Theatre Restoration told DCMud that the organization is in the midst of a fund raising effort that, if successful, i.e. if they raise the $28 million necessary to fully renovate the theater, will allow construction to begin this time next year. The District already gave $8 million to the project, and the organization can collect $6 million more through historic and additional tax credits. The District's contributions are part of a deal to improve the neighborhood, a commitment that will also bring African American-Owned Radio One to the District. Fenty signed a $144 million deal with Broadcast Center One Partners in January, the Radio One Headquarters will sit on the same block as the theater.
Built in 1910, the theater near the corner of 7th and T Streets, NW could seat 1,200 people. It was made specifically for African American performers, but was known as "The Theatre for the People" and hosted crowds of all races and performers such as Duke Ellington, Buddy Holly, James Brown, and Redd Foxx.
HTR's interactive website says, "Together with the City, HTR and its partners will reestablish the historic U Street/Shaw and LeDroit Park neighborhood as an art and entertainment destination where residents can live, work and play."
I just love the night time rendering of the theater HTR has, it looks amazing!
Have you guys checked on Radio One lately? I hear they are in horrible shape financially. Will that delay or crush their building effort?
I'll believe it when I see it (when earth starts flying during ground-breaking) for either Radio One or Howard Theater.
We're going on years now talking about the Chip Ellis led Radio One building and the Howard Theater renovation with no visible movement.
Chip publicly answered my question on when Radio One would break ground during the Shaw Main Streets development meeting at Shaw Middle School last fall by saying, 'there wasn't anything that would prevent him from starting in Feb. 08.' Obviously there actually was.
Even after the city has offered $23 million in subsidies, Radio One still hasn't gone forward. What gives???
Agree with ML...Radio One was February 08, then Spring 08, and then seems to have evaporated...given their press releases its not surprising...
When does the city decide to move on or is this no deadline on this deal?
how will the howard theater differ from the lincoln theater exactly?
cuz the lincoln theater is a wasteland. there are two events max per month.
i live four blocks from howard theater and would love to see something happen there but don't think another city-funded partnership is the answer.
and radio one? lol.
-eric in ledroit
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