The slow down came early in the week as Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania (D) inserted language into Congress’ defense-spending bill that would prevent the current Walter Reed facility from closing down at the intended date in 2011. As reported by The Hill, it is Murtha’s intention to keep the WRAMC open as long as possible, in order to ensure that the hospital’s “world–class medical facilities” for military personnel will not be compromised. (Although that view seems to conflict with WRAMC’s image following The Washington’s Post’s 2007 series of scathing exposes about patient conditions at the compound.) Murtha’s efforts could delay the project an additional 18 months and add an estimated $150 million to the project’s price tag.
Currently, the capabilities of both the WRAMC and the NNMC are set for a dramatic expansion once construction is completed. The overhaul needed to transform the 243-acre Bethesda site into the WRNMMC breaks down like so:
- A 261,000 square foot renovation of the current NNMC facilities
- The construction of a new 6-story, 533,000 square foot, 345-bed medical center
- A 157,000 square foot, 4-story addition to an existing building that adjoins the Building One hospital
- The construction of a new 80,000 square foot, 2-story facility to house the National Intrepid Center of Excellence
- The construction of new pathways, utility tunnels, barracks, a gym, parking lots and a garage
- The relocation of key WRAMC service centers, such as those for amputee therapy and lung and breast cancer
Washington DC real estate development news
John Murtha is a Democrat, not a Reppublican.
And a partisan one at that. Darn it, we knew that, too. Thanks for correcting the flub. We won't return the favor by correcting your spelling.
fwiw, the problems at wramc have more to do with housing than with the medical portion of the facility - although there are problems, as one would expect, with a hospital nearing the end of its functional life.
whether it moves to bethesda or stays on georgia, a new medical center is sorely needed.
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