On Monday, November 27, Montgomery County and other officials finally broke ground on the new
Silver Spring Transit Center project, the $75 million transportation hub planned for the existing Silver Spring metro site. The center, which will be named in honor of retiring
Senator Paul Sarbanes (pictured with other public officials at the groundbreaking ceremony), will transform the 5.7 acres in front of the metro station where the bus depot now is located (and across from the Discovery headquarters) into a three-level transportation center (the first two levels for buses, the third for metro’s Kiss and Ride, taxis, and some parking). The project will also feature two condominium buildings containing 450 units, a 200-room hotel, 25,000 sf of street-level retail, and a public plaza. The private development is being handled by Silver Spring Metro Center Partnership/
Foulger-Pratt Development. Architecture by
Zimmer, Gunsul and Frasca. The transit center is expected to be completed by Summer 2009.
Unfortunately, the actual transit center and surrounding residential/office/retail development will likely look nothing like the original concept (as illustrated in the picture shown in the post). That plan was developed by a different set of architects & planners a few years ago and since then many, many constraints have changed what can be built there: issues with the site, CSX, Metro & budget.
Thanks for changing the picture.
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