On February 6, the
DC Board of Zoning Adjustment unanimously approved plans submitted by
H Street Ventures LLC to build a mixed-use development at
601-645 H Street, NE. H Street Ventures wants to turn this stretch of block into a 312,000-square-foot residential, retail and office complex valued at nearly $150 million. According to documents filed with the Board, the developer is hoping to build 240 residential units (no decision yet whether condos or rentals), with 13,000 sf of retail space and 180,000 sf of office space. This project had faced much community opposition since its proposal last Spring, with the main concern focused on the nine-story building H Street Ventures was hoping to build between two existing buildings in this space, specifically its height and scale compared to the rest of the block (citing that it violated the H Street Overlay guidelines regulating the construction of buildings over 6,000 sf, thus necessitating a special exception). The developer subsequently worked with neighbors to reach consensus on a reconfigured, more pleasing scale for the building that adhered to all the other Overlay guidelines, and proved its exemption would not set a bad precedent for future construction on H Street. Construction is expected to start later this year, with completion in 2009.
as if we don't have enough probles with parking along H street and neighboring streets. What now?????
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