The developers are banking on not only the 80,000 vehicles that pass the intersection each day, but also the other major developments planned for New York Avenue NE. The projects (as have been reported in past dcmud postings) include: Abdo Development's $1 billion mixed-use "Gateway" redevelopment project of 17 acres on the north side of the Bladensburg intersection into almost 4,000 residential units, green space, and a grocery (delivery after 2009); MRP Realty’s "Washington Gateway" project, a $350 million, 150-room hotel and 250-unit residential tower development to be located along New York and Florida Avenues NE (2010 occupancy); and New Town Development LLC’s $1 billion redevelopment of the 24-acre Florida Avenue Market, located between New York and Florida Avenues NE, into 1,700 residential units and 330,000 sf of retail, restaurant, and merchandising space.
This street truly is the gateway to DC, shame that the DC gov has not done more to develop this into a useful or beautiful street; its really quite hideous. Do you have any idea what these new projects will look like? I'm hoping this isn't another Econo Lodge.
From what I've seen, they are going to look like your typical Fairfield and Holiday Inns that you'd find anywhere in the suburbs ... nice but not architect-advanced. For NY Ave. at least this will be better than anything else that's gone up over the years past. Am working on finding a usable image...
Nick, I am with MRP Realty and can send you some images of our Washington Gateway project at NY and Florida Avenues. The Zoning Commission took Final Action last week and approved the project. If you would like some images of the project to post, please send me an email (jlischke at mrprealty dot com).
What is the status of Abdo's project? Is work underway? If not, when?
Abdo's NY Ave project was approved by the Zoning Commission earlier this month. Design and permitting will take about 12-18 months at which time deomolition would begin.
I really look forward to abdo's gateway project to begin. I think it will have a very positive impact on the the surrounding neighborhoods especially Trinidad. Does anybody know if Abdo has drawings of the proposed plan available for us to view?
Hopefully we'll start seeing some designs being released now that the project has been approved. We will work on getting these and having a story soon.
What is being built near this site on Bladensburg Rd between to Mt Olivet Cemetery & the Yellow Cab Company?
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