The long-vacant lot and deteriorating building on the northeast corner of 14th and U Streets in northwest DC - one of the few development holdouts on trendy U Street - will finally be developed; the owner plans a retail center that will connect both properties when completed later this year. The longtime owner of the building is renovating the historic façade on the corner, with only slight changes to the exterior, and constructing a new building on the vacant lot that abuts it on the north side. The new building will have three floors with over 10,000 square feet, and both buildings will be dedicated entirely to retail, and expects the pair to be ready for leasing by October. Bochle & Gates Architects designed the new space, the leasing agent says that none of the space has yet been rented, and that they are working to get a restaurant to occupy the ground floor.
I recently noticed that work was finally underway on this corner (after having fencing up around it for several months, and that of course followed years and years of sitting empty with no promise of redevelopment).
I must say that, while I'm excited that it's finally going to see new life, I think the plans look somewhat uninspiring.
great news!
i thought ben's chili bowl was going to open up something in that spot....
wasn't that Faith's campaign headquarters?
i have been amazed that that site sat in its eyesore condition for som long. Glad to hear it its finally on its way to joining the clique of good looking buildings up there.
does anyone know who is moving in/what kind of rents they are asking?
The listing agent said the were looking for retail, probably a restaurant, and that the rent was "too high" for office space. No tenants have yet signed up for the space, but what a great location.
can you give the name or # of the leasing agent, might be interested
Here's the listing:
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