Board Chairman Royce Hanson cited light rail's proclivity for speedier transport, greater passenger capacity, longer 50 to 60 year lifespan and compatibility with existing Metro and MARC systems as benefits of the selection. Despite any advantages, the new light rail will cost millions more than bus service; current projections predict that the cost of the project could rise as high as $1.6 billion.
Preliminary engineering for the Purple Line is scheduled to begin this August, although work on the line itself won’t begin before 2012, at the earliest. At present, the project’s next stop is a Montgomery County Council committee meeting on January 22nd, which will then be followed by a full public session on January 27th.
Maryland commercial real estate news
Why is this being called the purple line anyway, will the lightrail in DC whenever they built be the pink line.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to commute easily,
The wretched refuse of your innerbeltway communities.
Send these, the stuck in traffic, gridlocked to me.
I lift my doors beside the rail tracks."
Would you rather pay that $1.6 billion in 2009 dollars or 2059 dollars? Because you're going to have to spend the money one day. Might as well get it done during a recession when labor's still relatively cheap.
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