Replacing what is currently a parking lot, the building will top out at the maximum allowed height, 143 feet, and will provide 275 parking spaces in its five-story parking garage - one level below, four above ground. Proximity to the metro was a factor in the plan which offers 40% fewer parking spaces than allowed at max; an effort to promote mass transit and reduce local traffic. The remaining 8 stories above the garage will be the office space.
In addition to trying to secure an anchor tenant to fill the majority of the office space, Willco is trying to bring in a restaurant and another service-oriented retailer for the planned 6,000 square feet of retail on the ground floor (featuring two-story ceilings).

The team has submitted its site plan to the Montgomery County Department of Parks and Planning. Wes Capps, an Engineering and Construction Supervisor at Willco, said they anticipate a 2011 completion date assuming the approval process moves along without any issues.
I'm not so sure I like the look, but green is good.
This lot isnt the intersection of Colesville/Ga. It is near it though.
This parking lot is where the old District Court used 2 be.
It's not the Montgomery County Parks and Planning Department. It's just the Montgomery County Planning Department. The two split 3 years ago into separate entities.
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