Linda Joy and Kenneth Jay Pollin Memorial Community Development groundbreaking ceremony went off without a hitch this morning despite boycotts by local ANC members and the notable absences of
Councilmembers Vincent C. Gray and Kwame Brown.

Today's groundbreaking coincides with a public memorial service honoring Washington Wizard's owner and philanthropist
Abe Pollin. That service will take place at the Verizon Center tonight, at 7 pm. The $35 million project has sparked some controversy and a press release from Local ANC 7D yesterday. Members staged a boycott of today's event in an effort to convince developers and city officials to be more forthcoming with information about the project's community benefit component, a charge
Dena Michaelson,
Director of Public Affairs and Communications for DC Housing Authority dismissed as "putting the cart before the horse."

"The t's aren't crossed, the i's aren't dotted," Michaelson went on to say, adding that a community benefits package was still being negotiated and would be available to the public upon its completion.
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nothing like pissing on a good man's grave.. gee vince, you couldn't man-up, show up and just say what you wanted to say..."vote for me, i want to be mayor"? but since i pollin didn't fix up my house, i can throw him under the bus. http://wtop.com/?nid=596&sid=1833393
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