This particular press mixer was the culmination of two years of Land Disposition Agreements that sought to answer the question: How can the District best put $80 million to good use in a neighborhood known for its high crime, heavy traffic and lack of sit-down restaurants? One of the neighborhood's first sit-downs, Ray's the Steaks, only opened this past April with the help of a grant from the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development's office, and the District wants another.
The answer the development team came up with was the Eric Colbert & Associates-designed Minnesota Avenue-Benning Road, NE, (formerly known as "Phase 2") a five-acre, three-building mixed-use development. The transit-oriented goliath will stand adjacent to the Minnesota Avenue Metro and the new, $95 million Department of Employment Services (DOES) headquarters (a.k.a Minnesota Avenue-Benning Road, NE Phase 1).
The location of the project is part of the larger Great Streets initiative, a joint venture between DMPED, The District Department of Transpo

Five thousand s.f. of those 23,000 s.f. will be reserved solely for sit-down restaurant space and 4,000 s.f. will be set aside for local business, assures DMPED Director of Communications, Mary Margaret Plumridge.
So, let's say you have a great idea for a sit-down restaurant in Ward 7. Will you be eligible for the same type of grant DMPED made available to Ray's the Steaks? Those details are still being ironed out, and the District seems at least mindful of the fact that this will require something more luring than an empty space.
Either way, construction begins Spring 2011.
DC Real Estate and Development News
Wouldn't it be better to put in offices there? The site is adjacent to some serious train-trackery - doesn't that reduce the desirability of residential buildings? If being adjacent to a major train track negatively impacts commercial property values too, is the impact as severe?
I'm not trying to be snarky, just curious.
This looks just like the Colbert apartment building in North Columbia Heights on 14th street. Very nice though!
Wow, I grew up in this neighborhood and recently moved back into the Ward. It would be great if native Washingtonians were to take advantage of this opportunity.
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