Paradigm has ordered its army of construction vehicles into Mount Vernon Triangle to begin work on the hefty 390-unit rental
building at 425 L St, NW. Indeed, ground had broken on what project manager
Jimmy Dotson calls a "bold, urban building with all the modern comforts of home." Under construction is a mass of brick and glass that will eventually total fourteen stories, sitting on three levels of below grade resident parking. Along with the standard amenities (gym, roof deck, common rooms) the building will feature a few unique touches like the hybrid and electric car refueling stations to be installed in the parking garage.

The barren surface parking lots that have sat vacant are now occupied by machinery and the warehouse at the eastern corner that has remained unused for years will soon be razed. The apartment building, built in partnership with
Steuart Investments, was designed by Architecture Collaborative, Inc., while
Collins & Kronstadt of Silver Spring holds the title of architecture of record. Developers expect initial delivery in the spring of 2012, with completion of the building wrapping up later that fall. Paradigm has apparently taken heart from the nearly sold out condo projects (CityVista completed sales this fall) and the largely stabilized new apartment buildings that surround it.
Donohoe Construction is well into construction of 218 rental units directly across the street.
Washington D.C. Real Estate Development News
This looks like an awful design, with the turn-around and two curb cuts. This might be acceptable for Reston but not for a walkable neighborhood in DC.
what would people like to see here? I mean that is sort of a dead-end type street. I personally don't like this style...but i am not sure if there is a better fit for the lot. This allows non-traffic buildup that might start happening. Also, this creates some depth to that block. But, i am tired of hearing that this design is awful but i havent heard one suggestion regarding this building design
A building that fronts the street and doesn't have the big setback would be a start.
unfortunately its all pretty much matter of right, the neighborhood and ANC had no leverage...
but hey, at least we have a crane in the air and more new neighbors on the way!
And this represents actual movement by the Steuart Development Company which has been sitting on several Triangle parcels. the one between 5th, 6th, NY & K will have lots of retail. maybe if this development is successful they will get going with that one sooner rather than can hope.
As typical Washingtonians do, they voice their opinion even when they have little understanding of the facts. I think anything other than an empty, ugly, unusaable (well except for a vagrant hangout) lot is a much needed improvement. I'm certain the building will more than compliment the community.
The car traffic on L street has dramatically increased since Safeway opened. While I find the new apartment building's appearance less than desirable, the fact that its entry way is removed from the street is probably a good thing.
Yep. It is definitely NOT one of DC's loveliest looking buildings.
is that really the current design.
i guess i side with the typicl washingtonians when i ignorantly say, damn that's a bad design.
why did someone say its a dead end? go walk around there and you will see that it is not. in fact 4th street is looking very hot these days.
i really wish that more developers would look to the city vista model. two floors of retail, then whatever the hell you want above that.
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