Saturday, January 23, 2010

EYA Ready to Demo Another Old Town Low-Income Project

Old Town real estate development, EYAAfter nearly 4 years of planning, developer EYA is getting ready to demolish one of Old Town's numerous subsidized housing relics and replace it with a mixed-income community. EYA reports that demolition should be underway by March on 808 Madison Street, part of the James Bland Additions community on the northern edge of Old Town Alexandria. Old Town Commons will add 245 market-rate and 134 affordable homes, renovating five full blocks of Old Town, replacing the 194 units of affordable housing built in 1954 and owned by the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA). Current residents will be relocated on site or transferred to other available ARHA housing in the community. The EYA project will continue in phases, one phase per block, allowing for many residents to remain in their homes until new space becomes available, though public housing residents are not guaranteed a space in the new project. The developer began the process in 2006 when it responded to an RFP released by Alexandria, which it won in the summer of 2006. As part of the agreement, the developer will buy the land beneath the market-rate units, money which ARHA will then put toward funding the public housing units. Old Town Alexandria real estate developmentAcross the five phases, the housing breaks down into 159 market-rate townhomes, 86 market-rate condos and 134 subsidized apartments. The first phase includes 37 market-rate units and 18 subsidized units with the remaining phases following a similar pattern of 2/3 market-rate to 1/3 public. 

The first phase units should complete by the end of 2011. The homes will be a mixture of architectural styles, designed by project architect the Lessard Group. According to Jennifer Hebert of EYA, the primary streets, such as Madison and Wythe, will have "very traditional Old Town" designs, while the new secondary streets "will feature a more modern architectural style." EYA told DCMud that subsidized and market housing will be interspersed and that the exterior will cloak such distinctions to "ensure that the overall community has a consistent look." According to Brian Allan Jackson, a Senior Vice President at EYA, both type of units will be built to LEED for community standards, like their Capitol Quarters project in D.C. EYA also developed several projects in the immediate vicinity, including Chatham Square and Potomac Greens, both collaborations with EYA and county-funded ARHA. EYA is also now building Glebe Park, another partnership between EYA and ARHA, with funding from Alexandria that will be repaid through land sales at Old Town Commons, and have caused more than a little hand-wringing at the thought of sponsoring more low-income housing within Old Town. Glebe Park broke ground in August for the Ugly homes, Alexandria Virginia, retail for leaseconstruction and rehabilitation of 102 homes off West Glebe Road, with completion scheduled for late 2010. Jackson said the two projects combined will likely amount to $200 million in total project costs.

Alexandria Virginia real estate and development news


CityVista Condos, 475 K St., NW, Washington DC
CityVista Apartments, 460 L St., NW, Washington DC

The CityVista complex in Mt. Vernon Triangle is comprised of 3 separate buildings: the "L" at City Vista with 149 condominiums, the K at CityVista with 292 condominiums, and the "V" with 244 apartments, which completed and began renting in Q3 2008. The K is 12 stories high with underground parking, with 59 subsidized condos. The L is slightly smaller, taking up 134,000 s.f. with 119 market rate and 30 low-income units. The project was built on the site of the former wax museum, in an area that still struggles with many underutilized lots that had offered promising development.

CityVista features 110,000 s.f. of retail - an "urban" Safeway with banking and dry-cleaning services, hardware store and Results gym. Building amenities include rooftop terraces and pool, a one-acre private elevated interior plaza, and underground parking. Developed by a group led by Lowe Enterprises, and by L.A.-based CIM, Bundy Development, and NDC, with land acquired from now-defunct NCRC. Architectural design was by Torti Gallas of Silver Spring and Michael Marshall, construction by James Davis Construction Company. Groundreaking occurred in May, 2006; sales, by Mayhood, began late 2005. Occupancy began in September, 2007 with delivery of the first units at the L, completion of the entire development was in late 2008. Condo prices started in the mid $300's for one-bedroom condos, mid-$400's for two-bedroom condos.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Brookland Gets its Art On

Brookland commercial real estateOne of the first new developments in the Brookland Community to actually break soil may be close at hand, as the Dance Place and Artspace forge ahead with plans to create a $13 million arts campus. The trickling begins as developer Artspace seeks subcontractors, with bids due February 5th and the first phase of construction scheduled to begin in March. The site is currently occupied by the Brookland Studios and an existing Dance Place building on 8th Street, just three blocks from the Brookland Metro Station. First on the boards: a 41-unit artist live-work building, with a new or renovated dance studio for phase 2. Washington DC retail spaceArtspace's affordable live/work units will house struggling artists and their families, providing them with gallery and studio space. Half of the units will be available to households earning less than 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI), with the other half set aside for households earning less than 50% AMI. The four-story building will rise no higher than 48 feet in the low-density neighborhood. A unique twist - residences will feature open interiors, wider hallways and hospital-sized elevators, allowing for the transport of large art materials or finished pieces of art. The southwest corner of the ground floor will naturally be available as a performance space that opens to the plaza, connecting to the new Dance Place once the latter is complete. The DC Real Estate57,000 s.f. project will provide 22 parking spaces below grade and should complete by the Summer of 2011. The building will have a green roof and Artspace will be partnering with DC Greenworks for the installation. For phase 2, Heidi Kurtze, Director of Property Development at Artspace, says the team will spend much of 2010 "researching" and raising funds before deciding on the design for the dance studio. Preliminary plans submitted to the Office of Planning called for a new two-story theater and two-story storage space on the ground floor of a (possibly) four-story building with classrooms, changing room and office space on the top floors. Though Kurtze said without enough capital the team might have to renovate the current building, rather than the preferred option of a new structure. Artspace has been working with Dance Place since 2007. Kurtze described the relationship as a "true collaboration with a local arts organization that is already thriving in the community." The development team selected Bognet Construction Associates as the general contractor, designs for the residential building are by Hickok Cole Architects. The new plans come at at time when other large-scale developments in the area are still crawling through the planning or pre-construction periods. Project's like EYA's Chancellor's Row and Abdo's project with CUA are still a long way from realizing the promised renaissance in Brookland. 

Update: The District Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is a partner in the Artspace project. DHCD will provide $10.4 million in stimulus funding and $1 million in low-income housing tax credits to the Artspace residential project in recognition of the role of the arts in revitalizing neighborhood, according to DHCD spokesperson Angelita Colon-Francia.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Local Governments Seek to Transform Wheaton Downtown

Ten sites in Wheaton are up for grabs now that Montgomery County, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission and Metro, a.k.a. the "Public Team" which individually own the properties, has released a request for qualifications for a public-private partnership to develop and transform any one or combination of the ten spaces in the Wheaton Central Business District. The plots total 11.7 acres, all within 1,200 feet of the Wheaton Metro station.

The three land owners are working together to create a constellation of new development to build a "high quality...vibrant community" with increased density that will transform the Wheaton CBD. Projects should be transit oriented, mixed-use developments that create active open space and promote pedestrian-friendly transit. The two-tier process will first rate the developers' "creative vision" and ability, saving project specifics for the second stage of application process.

Housing options should include moderate-income, workforce housing and live-work units such as art studios. The ten lots include both contiguous and stand alone plots. Depending on the owner, the property may be either leased or purchased. Expect a localized price spike, as developers may combine other parcels in their proposals by showing they will have the ability to control adjacent parcels for future development.

The properties are listed in groups, though each can be developed individually. Group A includes a Parking Lot on Price Avenue, a garage on Fern Street and Veterans' Park on Reedie Drive, a total of 2.62 acres. In the case of Veterans' Park, a developer would be required to "identify a replacement location for the park that enhances its impact upon the public realm."

Group B holds the bulk of the space with 8.02 acres, including three Montgomery County-owned parking lots, a Montgomery County Regional Service Center on Reedie Drive and two Metro properties. Concept plans for the Regional Service Center should address replacement locations for the services normally provided by the site.

The Metro offerings include a bus bay on Georgia Avenue and a 1.94-acre garage on Veirs Mill Road. Metro requires any developer with plans for the bus bay to develop an interim site prior to construction and an alternate permanent location for the facility in close proximity. Metro is not seeking replacement of the garage, which connects via a pedestrian bridge to the Westfield Wheaton Mall. However, any developer seeking to "better integrate these facilities with transit oriented development" would need to replace the "existing uses at appropriate levels of functionality," with replacement costs borne by the developer.

That leaves the sole member of Group C, a 1.06 acre Montgomery County-owned parking lot on Blueridge Ave. Despite the tie to Metro, the team is requiring that applicants replace all five parking lots with "appropriate levels of replacement parking/capacity."

Submissions are due March 19th, a pre-submission conference with site tour will be held February 2nd. A short-list of candidates will be released on April 14th, at which time the second phase information will be released.

Wheaton real estate and development news

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lincoln Condominiums

2004 11th St., NW, Washington DC
2001 12th St., NW Washington DC

The Lincoln Condominiums may only offer 176 units, but with only 4 floors of residences takes up nearly the entire block, and was therefore designed with two main entrances, both just off U Street. The Lincoln was completed in July of 2000, well before the big condo boom in the U Street corridor. The Lincoln was named for the famed U Street theater a block away. The site was once home to Thompson's Dairy, which churned out as much as 35,000 gallons of milk per day from farms throughout the region. The wood-framed sits atop a concrete parking structure, with a quiet interior courtyard. The site was developed by Delores Johnson, who acquired the property from the Marion Barry administration in a deal that later raised questions about what taxpayers got out of it. The Lincoln was designed by architect Eric Colbert and Bush Construction. Real estate sales were by the Mayhood Company.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bozzuto Asks to Delay Mt. Vernon Development

Bozzuto Development, Mt. Vernon Triangle, WDG Architecture, HPRB, Washington DC retail for leaseThe Bozzuto Development Company is asking DC for a two year delay on its planned residential development on New York Ave in Mt. Vernon Triangle, even as neighboring residential projects progress. Just last April Bozzuto Development Company President Toby Bozzuto told DCMud he hoped to begin construction in 2010. That now seems highly unlikely, so to be cautious the developer will go before the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) next week to request a two-year extension. The Bozzuto property will sit across from City Vista and adjacent to Yale Laundry, which just started construction on its second phase, despite ongoing sales that began in the summer of 2005. The WDG Architects-designed 13-story building at 460 New York Avenue, NW would include 87 residential units for a total of 85,555 square feet on a site currently occupied by an empty lot and two vacant, deteriorating buildings. Nothing is likely to happen soon. William McLeod of the Mount Vernon Community Improvement District told DCMud he was unaware of any updates or changes in the status of the development, and Sean Stadler, Associate Principal Designer at WDG said there had been no progress on the project since its initial zoning approval and that the developer had not begun hiring a general contractor. 

The developer originally received Zoning Commission approval in April 2008 for zoning amendments. The approval sanctioned Bozzuto's plans to move the three-story historic structure, dating from 1902, to an area zoned for smaller development while leaving the remainder of the lot for the larger residential building, which on New York Avenue will reach 130 ft in height.Bozzuto Development, Mt. Vernon Triangle, WDG Architecture, HPRB, Washington DC retail for lease A ground floor fitness center (despite the Results gym at CityVista) and two levels of below grade parking will reportedly round out the development. The developer received approval in January 2008 from the HPRB to raze the two-story 1870s historic building because of the dire condition of the structure. Once the 1902 historic building is relocated on the western edge of the site, it will receive a full renovation to include 6 of the planned apartments. 

Washington, DC real estate and development news

Getting to Bethesda's Medical Center

Bethesda commercial real estate: National Naval Medical Center constructionMost Bethesda residents have given little thought to crossing Wisconsin Avenue from Metro to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. But those that have get that inchworm-on-the-road feeling, and now that the facility is due to swell with thousands of new workers, urban planners are trying to do something about it. To that end, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will hold a public information session on Tuesday to discuss potential options to improve pedestrian interface with the 7 lanes of autobahn just north of downtown Bethesda.Bethesda news: National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda Thanks to a federal BRAC decision to close the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and consolidate it at Bethesda's National Naval Medical Center, Montgomery County officials and the surrounding community have been working together to prepare for the influx of 2,500 employees and half a million (annual) visitors and patients expected to frequent the new location beginning in September 2011. Tuesday's meeting will include information on proposed options to provide more efficient transit options. The state had tasked Metro with completing the study after it received $20 million DOD grant to improve transit access to the medical center. In July of 2009, WMATA released an environmental impact study that detailed several options for moving people safely and efficiently from the Metro across Rt. 355. 

The study looked at options including an improved intersection, a shallow pedestrian tunnel, deep elevators and a below-ground mezzanine, a combo of shallow tunnel and deep elevator and even an elevated pedestrian bridge.According to MCDOT Deputy Director Edgar Gonzalez, shortly after the Metro study the County applied for a share of the $1.5 billion in TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) funds, including options like pedestrian and bike crossings. To prepare for that award, MCDOT has undertaken its own environmental impact study, exploring a variety of options that, unlike the Metro study, are not restricted solely to pedestrian access. Gonzalez said the study has examined a range of options from pedestrian, to pedestrian and bikes, to having emergency vehicles connect between the NIH and Navy Medical. Some local groups and residents have made serious and public accusations against MCDOT claiming secretive government plans and auto access via an underpass, but Gonzalez insists that claims of a 4-lane auto underpass are "totally inaccurate" and that the very idea of a "secret plan is stretching it." You can find out for yourself at the meeting on tonight at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be at the Bethesda Chevy Chase Regional Services Center at 4805 Edgemoor Lane.

Bethesda real estate and development news

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Development Potential for Corcoran's Randall School

The Corcoran College of Art and Design may have found a suitor for its project at the Randall Junior High School at 65 I Street, SW, after more than three years of setbacks. An announcement could come as soon as March, when Corcoran will have to renew their approved development plan with the Zoning Commission. Until that time the community will have to continue their long wait for new development at a neighborhood eyesore.

Kristin Guiter, Manager of Media Relations for the Corcoran, would only confirm that "the Corcoran has entered into negotiations with a potential development partner."

That's great news for a development project that has faced uncertainty since the Corcoran purchased the 50-year-old, 80,000 s.f. middle school from the District government in November, 2006, for a reported $6.2 million dollars.

No news yet on who the new mystery developer might be or what changes might happen to the previous designs by
Shalom Baranes Architects. Guiter says that "at this point, we are not prepared to release details since an agreement has not been signed."

Originally, the Corcoran had hoped to convert the school into a combination of apartments, studios, classroom, and display space. But when its partnership with Monument Realty dissolved last spring, plans for two nine-story residential towers with 420 units of housing and 100,000 s.f. of college facilities were scrapped.

But with its first zoning approval expiration coming up this March, news of a possible development partner couldn't come soon enough.

ANC 6D Commissioner David Sobelsohn said "we in the community are anxious to get this project underway. We're very concerned that this building has been sitting vacant and empty all this time." Sobelsohn added that the ANC voted unanimously on Monday to support the Corcoran's efforts to be granted a two year PUD extension with the Zoning Commission on "the condition that various community benefits agreed upon in 2007" remain intact in any new agreements. The ANC Commissioner noted that the new developer will likely be announced once the PUD is extended. "The development partner probably wants to be sure that the PUD is in place," said Sobelsohn. Corcoran is not yet on the Zoning Commission calendar for PUD extension.

Washington DC real estate development news

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Senate Square Apartments

Senate Square Apartments, 201 I St., NE, Washington DC
Senate Square Towers are part of the redevelopment of the old Children's Museum site. The museum itself was turned into a condominium, the remaining land was sold to Broadway Development of New York. Broadway and architect Esocoff and Associates designed and built the 432-unit pair of towers, completing in late 2007. While under construction, the developer attempted to sell the project as condos, but with prices as low as $410 per square foot, only 150 sold, all of which were then canceled when the project converted to apartments for rent.

Senate Square Towers - the Lexington and Concord - are 12-stories each are masonry structures with metal windows and precast concrete and stone trim, and feature an 80' rooftop pool and sizable fitness center. Within walking distance of Union Station, the Metro, and the Capitol, Senate Square towers also share a common amenity space with Landmark Lofts - a historic building in the central courtyard that serves as a business and conference center. H Street is also supposed to have streetcar service, but that remains an elusive goal. Bozzutto Management began leasing the apartment building in 2007, but leasing rates were initially very slow until prices were lowered and incentives given. In 2009, Broadway lost control of the project for lack of payment; the building will be auctioned February 22, 2010.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jenkins Row Condominiums

Jenkins Row, 1391 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Washington DC
Jenkins Row was originally designed as an apartment building, converting after the start of construction, and both finishes and amenities reflect the original intent (more amenities, less expensive finishes). Contracting problems forced the delay of construction, and many of the original buyers to back out. The 247-unit wood-framed building finally delivered in September of 2007, with prices starting from $250,000 for a studio and from $378,000 for one bedroom, prices that ultimately went down considerably.

Located adjacent to the Potomac Avenue Metro, two metro stops from the Capitol Hill Office Buildings, Jenkins Row features a fitness center, front desk receptionist, underground parking, and encircled central courtyard with water fountains. In 2008 a Harris Teeter opened on the first floor. The project was built by JPI of Texas, which later disbanded its DC operations, and designed by SK&I Architectural Design Group. The building was designed to look less massive than it is, with varying architectural styles on the facade.

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DC Gets Bids on Georgia Avenue

Yesterday, two development teams threw their hats in the ring to develop a 15,000 s.f. parcel at 6925-6929 Georgia Avenue, NW, across from the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The District released an RFP in October, looking for a group to plan, finance, build and operate a project that may include mixed-income housing, community-serving retail, and cultural amenities. The vacant lot is zoned for R-5-B, with height limits set at 50 feet and a maximum lot occupancy of 60%.

According to Sean Madigan, Communications Director for the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, only two teams met the 3 PM deadline on Friday. Madigan indicated the project managers for the site would be moving quickly to review the applications and announcements about the proposals might become public as soon as this week.

Washington DC real estate development news

The Saratoga

The Saratoga Apartment Building
4601 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC

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Carillon House Apartments

Carillon House, 2500 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington DC, 20007
The Carillon House Apartment building is a massive 50's era apartment building offering up a few amenities for its studio and one-bedroom apartments, like limited garage parking, shared washer/dryer, very small fitness center, 24 hour front desk with some concierge services, storage spaces, bike room, and small roofdeck, but offers decent rates, and a solid Wisconsin Ave location on main bus routes (but not near Metro). The apartment building sits across from a park in the middle of trendy Glover Park, one of the best little retail strips around, with a Whole Foods across the street to boot. And if you're into espionage, the Russian Embassy is next door. The Carillon House lobby is updated and pleasant, though the interior finishes remain pretty spartan, and include the original parquet floors, but are well maintained. Despite the austere white brick facade, which looks like it could be an adjunct of the old Soviet Embassy, the neighborhood is vibrant of full of good retail, and the only large apartment building in Glover Park proper. The Carillon sits on the rise above Glover Park, so the bonus views are on the south side, where going only a few floors up yields dramatic views over the city. The building was topped by an electronic carillon for many years, broadcasting music to the neighborhood every day at noon, and was the first Washington DC apartment building with central air conditioning.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Fillmore Sounds Like Music to Silver Spring

Silver Spring's downtown will soon be the heart of an Art and Entertainment District as Montgomery County swaps a shuttered JCPenney for the Fillmore Music Hall, inspired by the original Fillmore in San Francisco. Courtesy of Live Nation music company and Lee Development Group, the venue will sit on Colesville Road between Georgia Avenue and Fenton Street, across from the AFI Silver Theater and down the street from Discovery Communications. In an interesting swap, Lee, which owns the building, will build the new music hall for the county, and both the state and county will contribute $4 million toward construction. The developer will give the Fillmore property (valued at $3.5 million) to the county in exchange for land use allowances on an adjoining property at 8615 Georgia Avenue, currently planned to include a hotel and office buildings. Silver Spring commercial real estateThe Fillmore will be a historic reuse project, maintaining the exterior of the old department store that has been vacant for almost 20 years. The new theater could have capacity ranging between 500 and 2,000, depending on the type of performances. The design for the project is by Hickok Cole Architects which is also behind the design for Lee's planned hotel and commercial buildings at Georgia Avenue, which will back up to the Fillmore. The project planned for Georgia Avenue will bring a 12-story Class A Office Space and a 14-story 3 Star Hotel to the 72,000 s.f. of land. The developer indicated the team was deep in the planning stages for the commercial and hotel project and had not yet been through any Planning reviews. In November, the County approved the exchange, with assurances to the developer that the County will pay the developer for any costs it might incur resulting from interceding zoning changes that affect the office and hotel project. The Fillmore Silver Spring The exchange is an aberration from the normal process by which a developer's plan is approved contingent on community benefits. In this case, Lee is building the theater (the community benefit) and promising to give away land without prior project approval for the proposed hotel and office. To offset the risk of not receiving approval and having to adjust designs for the commercial development, Lee received promises from the County that it would pay development costs due to any new regulations imposed on the Georgia Avenue Property. Construction for the music hall could begin by the end of this year, setting the Fillmore Music Hall for a grand opening in late 2011. The County expects a $700,000 yearly profit from the venue. Photo by Lizzie Turkevich

Silver Spring commercial real estate and development news

DeSoto Apartments

The Desoto, 1445 P St., NW, Washington DC
The Desoto apartment building is a 7-floor, 66 unit apartment building located in the heart of the Logan Circle neighborhood. The Desoto aims for the loft style prevalent in Logan, with floor to ceiling windows, polished concrete floors, stainless steel appliances, sisal bedroom carpeting, and exposed ducts. The building was completed in 2003 - one of the early multi-family buildings in the area - designed by SK&I Architectural Design Group and developed by PN Hoffman and SJG Properties.

The DeSoto is named after the car maker, sitting as it does in the heart of what was once "auto alley," where cars were sold and repaired once upon a time. But pedestrians have reclaimed the scene, and the area is now much better known for the Whole Foods across the street. The DeSoto Apartment building is the sister building to the Hudson, located next door. Parking is available in the two-level garage below, and small pets are allowed.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Embassy Condos Try Again

The Embassy Condo of Mt. Pleasant and owners 1613 Harvard Street Limited Partnership have finally bounced back from a legal defeat in 2005 at the hands of the DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), and have once again begun selling the 76 units in the building as condos.

The previous owners of the Embassy Apartments, as they have long been known, registered the apartment with DCRA as a condominium way back in 1980 - a necessary step in the conversion process - but did not pursue sales. When the new owners attempted to evict the tenants for the conversion on the basis of the 1980 approval, the tenants brought the matter to DCRA, which issued a "cease and desist" order against Embassy owners in March 2005. The ensuing law suit ended in 2005 with a judgment against the building owners in which Superior Court Judge Gerald Fisher issued a smackdown, and ruled that “having failed to exercise its right to convert for 19 years since it acquired the property and for almost 25 years since the property was approved for conversion, Harvard is equitably barred from doing so now."

Since that time,
the group behind the project is now back in good standing with DCRA and has started condo sales. In 2006 the owners received approval for window replacement and interior renovations. The sales website for the condos boasts of "sweeping hardwood floors, chef’s grade kitchens and contemporary finishes." Sales representatives did not return any calls regarding the project. Paid advertisements began appearing last week, but the project has not yet appeared on the MLS.

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UPDATE : (o1/15/10) Sales representatives for the Embassy contacted DCMud with additional information on the building. Sales are set to begin next week on the 23rd, at which point it will appear on the MLS. Prices for studios range from just below $200 to the mid-$200s, one-bedrooms range from the high $200s to the high $300s, and two-bedrooms range from the mid-$400s to the low $500s.

Ripley District Moving On Up

Ripley District Silver Spring Shalom Baranes ARchitectsSilver Spring's Ripley District, once home to a derelict strip of parking garages and auto body shops, has had its share of growing pains in the economic downturn, but signs of progress are sprouting up in the form of construction and design reviews for area projects. The Ripley District, a triangular parcel of downtown Silver Spring between Bonifant Street, Georgia Avenue and the B & O Railroad, is one of Montgomery County's reinvention projects in an effort to bolster real estate development and the growth of Silver Spring. Planned residential and commercial projects are in various stages of development, one building is almost finished, others are waiting on the sidelines. Silver Spring Ripley District Home Properties Shalom Baranes Georgia Avenue

The County approved designs for the Midtown Silver Spring residential building in September 2008, but developer Home Properties is back with altered plans, a new project name - Ripley Street North - and a new architect - Shalom Baranes Architects. The team submitted amended plans earlier this month, and the developer expects to go before the Planning Board shortly after their February meeting with the Design Review Committee. The new plans, though still tentative, would increase the total number of residential units by 50 to 396 and, of the total, 49 will be moderately priced. Though the team has made several adjustments to areas including public use space and building setbacks, the planned structure maintains a 5.0 FAR density rating. According to Elza Hisel-McCoy a Coordinator within Montgomery County Planning Department's Development Review Division, depending on the comments from the Design Review Committee, the Planning board could review the project six weeks to two months thereafter. More information will be available once the DRB makes recommendations and the Planning Board staff issues a review, likely to come this spring. Silver Spring Ripley District Home Properties Lessard Group Georgia Avenue

Hisel-McCoy added that another planned residential project, the Lessard Group-designed 1150 Ripley, formerly know as 1050 Ripley, has all of its approvals, but there have been no signs of forward motion so far. The approved Washington Property Company plan is for a 306,000- s.f. residential building that will include 318 rental units including 48 moderately priced dwelling units and 7,000 s.f. of commercial space. Evan Feldman, a Development Manager for Washington Properties, indicated that the team is working on financing right now, but expects to begin construction in April of this year, despite the lack of a general contractor. Once construction begins, Feldman expects the first units to be available in 18 months and the entire project to deliver in 21 months. 

For some actual progress in the district, Division One Architects, the minds behind the Lacey, have been working on a brand new headquarters building for ALC, Inc., which will sit on the southwest corner of Ripley Street at Georgia Avenue. The three level building includes a ground floor restaurant and walk up office space with green features like a sodded roof and north and east oriented facades to capture all that natural daylight.Silver Spring Ripley District Home Properties Shalom Baranes Georgia Avenue Division 1 Architects The project should deliver by April or May of this year. The County's efforts to re-brand the Ripley District are crawling along, but the development movement so far looks promising for the future. 

Silver Spring real estate development news

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

NoMa's First Residential Projects

Cultural DC, Paradigm Development, Noma, GTM Architects, Loree Grand, Cohen Campanies and Davis Carter Scott, Washington DC real estateUnion Station's finally getting new neighbors as NoMa's very first new residential developments approach completion. The Loree Grand, the first phase of the planned Union Place development, brings 212 new rental units to 250 K St., NE. The building, which began construction in July 2007, is on track to be ready for occupants by March or April. Next door Paradigm Development is hard at work on The Washington Center student housing also slated for April delivery. The new NoMa residents will have gobs of transportation options including the metro, Marc and Amtrak lines, buses, the new bikestation and, if the street cars ever get worked out, a short ride to the H Street/Atlas District. The two new residential elements will be joined by Constitution Square, which is also expected to be finished in 2010. It's looking to be a good year for NoMa. Cultural DC, Paradigm Development, Noma, GTM Architects, Loree Grand, Cohen Campanies and Davis Carter Scott, Washington DC real estateLoree Grand developer, the Cohen Companies, purchased the land for just over $1 million and has spent $45 million on construction costs with ADC Builders and GTM Architects, the general contractor and architect, respectively. The bulk of the 212 units are variations on 1-bedroom apartments with the remaining 30 units built to 2-bedroom configurations. The Loree Grand will also offer 30 affordable apartments, likely to go to artists, arts administrators, and arts educators thanks to a partnership with the Cultural Development Corporation. Though not certified officially green, the building features a green roof with self-sustaining plant life, but makes up for it with 173 parking spaces in two below-grade levels and an additional 39 spaces on an adjoining surface parking lot. Cultural DC, Paradigm Development, Noma, GTM Architects, Loree Grand, Cohen Campanies and Davis Carter Scott, Washington DC real estateThe Loree sits on the corner of 3rd and K Streets with 10 stories at 90ft on the corner stepping down to 7 stories at 60ft on the north end. The design features three shades of brick with precast concrete trim-work and detailing. The the first two floors reflect traditional Washington row house designs, with unit entrances fronting K Street and 3rd Street that will also be accessible from the interior. The building includes amenities such as a 2,000-s.f. private fitness center and 1,500-s.f. "party room". On the ground floor at 3rd and K sits approximately 3,700 s.f. of retail space, which Eric Siegel, Executive VP at the Cohen Companies, says he hopes to fill with a food/wine/coffee shop along the lines of Tryst in Adams Morgan. When(ever) the second phase of Union Place finishes, residents will also have access to a child care facility. Washington DC commercial real estate brokerageAccording to Michelle Pilon, a Sr. Project Manager at the Cohen Companies, Phase II of Union Place is "currently on hold," but will ultimately feature 500 apartment units and 8,400 s.f. of commercial tenant space. 

Siegel indicated the group was working on drawings now for Phase II, but it sounds like neighbors at the Loree Grand won't have to worry about construction noise for a while. Facing the Loree is 1001 3rd St. NE, soon to be home to students of The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars. The 140,000 s.f. project should deliver this April with 95 rental units and 14,000 s.f. for a state of the art auditorium, classroom space and one level of underground parking with 35 spaces for the swarms of interns who hit DC every year. The Washington Center purchased the property in January of last year for $8.2 million from Greenebaum and Rose. The sale also included designs for the six-story building by architects at Davis Carter Scott, whose plans needed only a few interior alterations to accommodate the student housing. According to Steve Griffin of Paradigm, the housing should be home to 1,200 students rotated throughout the year. Most units are two bedrooms, two baths at about 1,000 s.f. each; not too shabby for interns. Cultural DC, Paradigm Development, Washington DC real estate agencyIn 2003 Greenebaum and Rose bought the land which was once home to the Capitol Cab Company. 

The Davis Carter Scott plans, which were sold in 2009 along with the property, originally called for a $20 million, six story, 92,800-s.f. residential building. In May of 2008 Greenebaum and Rose partner, Sam Rose, told DCMud, “For now, it’s a piece of land with a permit. We’re not starting until the world looks prettier." It would seem that $8.2 million looked a lot prettier than a questionable condo project. The two projects are huge improvements over the former cab company and what was at one time a major drug intersection. The Loree Grand is named after Loree Murray, a former area resident who founded Near Northeast Citizens Against Crime and Drugs to organize neighbors against the rampant cocaine trade and violence in the 1980s. The group aided the police in fighting against one of the biggest cocaine drug rings in DC that at one time operated at 2nd and K St NE, future home of urbanites and interns. Liz Price, President of the NoMa BID, said, "all this residential is a new area for us. We're really excited to build residential density in this neighborhood."

Washington DC commercial property news

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Waterfront Towers Condos

Washington DC construction and real estate development, retail leasing informationWaterfront Towers, 1101 3rd St., SW, Washington DC
Waterfront Towers was redeveloped by Centre Square, LLC, Bernstein Companies, Peak Development and Abdo Development. The "tower", at 9 stories, was designed by I.M. Pei, like several of its neighbors, and built in 1960, then converted to a condo in 2009. The 123-unit project underwent a full renovation in 2008 southwest DC real estate development by Abdoand 2009, with some green (but not LEED-certified) elements. Sales of the new condos began in August of 2009. The building retains the large, gated surface parking lot, with modern interior finishes and, for the larger units only, washers and dryers in the unit; with a common laundry room in the basement.

Bernstein Companies, Peak Development and Abdo Development are building a new residential building in southwest DCWaterfront Towers are not actually on the waterfront - the river is a short walk - but is only a block from the Waterfront Metro station. Prices for the condos started in the $200's for a small studio and at $320,000 for one bedroom. Real estate sales by the Mayhood Companies; about a third of the units in the building were pre-sold to existing tenants.

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