The intersection of Florida and New York Avenues has been an anarchist's dream - at First St. hand gestures are more helpful than lights (not to mention the open-air

The revised traffic pattern will make Florida Avenue one-way (northwest) for two blocks, rerouting southeast traffic off of Florida, across and onto New York, then to O Street, then back onto Florida. Northbound drivers on First St. will find themselves heading out New York Avenue, like it or not, perhaps somewhat approximating northbound 395 drivers that get sent out New York Avenue for the crime having just avoided traffic signals. Both sets of drivers will now merge as they are sent out of town via New York Avenue.
So how do you get from First Street to Florida Ave going northwest or to Eckington Street ?
Don't use First Street, I s'pose?
you don't.
you'll need to head over to north capitol, or if you want to head nw on florida, head over to first street nw.
I used to go through this intersection on a regular basis heading from my home (9th & R NW) to Anne Arundel County (Annapolis). This new circular pattern looks like a winner to me. I have been avoiding the intersection while under construction, but will return as soon as the work on NY Ave is finished. Now if we could turn the Wendy's into a park it would remove a traffic nightmare.
Holy crap. I just went through this on Saturday, it was a disaster to be avoided at all costs. 15 minutes to go 2 blocks across NY Ave, heading southeast on Florida, and that was with at least 8 (that I saw) overtime DDOT employees trying to manage the traffic, so it will get worse. Do anything you can to avoid this intersection. I can't believe our tax dollars are doing this.
it's much worst...ive already driven it twice since they changed it and it is total chaos....
The intersection is not near finished yet. I for one will withhold judgement until they finish with all the curbs, lane markings, signs, etc.
oh yes, Dave Thomas Circle
Why don't they fix P street as well (right next to Florida ave and N. Capitol)? Its horrible driving there w/cars parking on both sides, making two way driving both dangerous and very difficult. Plus, why are there no parking meters there?
Why not just get rid of 1st Street between Florida & York and also open up O Street to North Capitol or just get rid of it.
If DC wants to make a circle there it should be a fully functional one that includes New York Ave being routed around it.
How is it for pedestrian access with this upgrade; I can imagine that it would be harder to reach the Wendys or go from Eckington to 1st & New York or Florida to the other side of Florida Ave.
I just drove on this yesterday, I have to agree that it absolutely sucks. 3 weeks after they introduced it, I still had to sit and watch traffic lights change 3 times before making it through. 10 minutes at this one intersection and I gave up and turned right on New York just to get out of the mess. What was Gabe Klein thinking??
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